I was hoping he'd have come back by now. Keep checking the pound and put up flyers. He could still come back....my neighbor found her kitty after several weeks of him being missing. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Oh carmen, I'm so sorry you haven't found him yet. Don't lose hope though--he could just be confused and wandering around. Cats are very strange in that they'll disappear for awhile and then come back like nothing happened. I'll keep you and your kitty cat in my thoughts.
I so do not want to worry you even more, but have you checked along the sides of the roads around your place? My BF's family lost a cat many years ago, and my BF was checking the roads by his house and found the cat lying there--he had been hit by a car. He was okay, thank God.
Hopefully this didn't happen to Cloudy. I really hope he just pops up one day, very soon.
We have a kitty who evidently "summers" somewhere else. She goes on vacation for a few weeks then comes back looking as rested and well-fed as ever. I'm still holding out for Cloudy!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.