I have a presentation for a communications class tomorrow and I completey forgot about it. I need ideas on what to talk about.
It can be on ANYTHING I want. I am trying to think of something funny or clever. It needs to be about 9 mins long.
I had thought about doing it on- "How to pass your drug test", but I don't know if that would be appropriate. My mom suggested on the proper way to run and what you need to get started. I know about that, but I thought it was a littele dull.
Another idea was "How to make a paper airplane" I did it once when I was in highschool. It was kind of cute and easy to do. I thought I would hand out paper, so people could fold along and maybe a powepoint. Yes, no?
Any suggestions? Thanks!
-- Edited by RyanJ at 16:15, 2006-05-02
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
I remember a communications class with the same assignment, and it could be about anything we wanted. I remember some other people's topics:
-How to buy a car -How to host a dinner party / a brunch -How to make a certain food (can't remember what it was) -How to plan a vacation -How to brew your own beer --ETA - remembered another one -- how to change the oil in your car! The guy who did that one announced that this was for "all the women in the class"!!
Just think of something you're good at, or know a lot about, and go from there! The running idea might be the best choice for you! What else are you an expert on?
hmmm, I don't have any idea right now but I've always found that I do best if I talk about something a)funny/odd/unusual and b)that noone else in the room is likely to know too much about. One of the best ones I did was on communism in France (we had to pick something French)- noone knew a thing about it, but it was an odd enough topic (what? France still has an active communist party?) to keep people interested.
I did this last semester but my time was way shorter. I remember one girl did how not to get a ticket. She talked about what lanes you should drive on. Also, to always tell the officer a story. Of course I had to do a whole outline and get sources for mine. I did gun safety. I talk about how many people own guns in the US. I gave several stats and I including a personal story.
I remember another one. This girl talked about certain myths about eyes. Like how carrots are supposed to improve your eyesight. Also, sitting too close to the tv is bad for you. You talked about each one and said if they were true or false.