I'm considering getting porcelain veneers on my teeth to correct a problem with my bite. Also, it would make my smile look better, so it's a cosmetic thing too. My orthodontist said I could get braces, but he doesn't know with 100% certainty that braces would correct it or how long it would take. It would have to be the braces that bond to your teeth, not the clear Invisalign ones, and he also said he wouldn't put the brackets on the back of my teeth. I'm 29 and already had braces for 6 years, third grade through ninth grade, so I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of having them again! (Even though I wore my retainer religiously after getting my braces off, my bite got messed up again because I had another growth spurt after college.)
Anyhoo, as I consider which way to go, I was wondering if anyone on here has porcelain veneers. Good experience, bad experience? Also, anyone have braces as an adult? TIA!
I have veneers on my top front 5 teeth. I've had them for almost 5 years now and have had absolutely zero problems with them. I had a large space between all 5 front teeth and one was about half the width it should have been, so I could have gotten braces (and an implant) but then I would have had to get veneers after that anyway! I skipped the braces (for the cost, unsightlyness, time) and went straight to the veneers.
The process of getting veneers is not. fun. at. all. I had to do custom bleaching trays (hurt really badly and made everything super sensitive). Then they totally grind your teeth down, and you have huuuuuuuge goopy molds made. Then you have to get temporary plastic covers that are super flimsy and don't stay on well - I had to deal with them for 2 entire weeks and made 3 trips in to the dentist during that time to have ones that came out reattached. The actual process of having the veneers attached is beyond easy - they put strong glue in the veneer and pop it on. Voila! Totally worth it in the end because then it's pretty much instant gratification.
If I had been able, I'd have done it when I was going to be on vacation from school/work or something and when I had plenty of time in my schedule to make impromptu trips to the dentist. Definitely not when you have any big functions/meetings/events planned or when you'll have to be talking/interacting with lots of people face to face.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thanks, Elle! I'm really glad to hear you haven't had any problems with the veneers in the five years you've had them. It does not sound like a fun process, but a couple weeks of that compared to a year or more of braces is more appealing!
have you considered simple bonding instead of the veneers? i had this done a few months ago to two teeth that were significantly smaller/skinner than normal — my dentist just made them look a more proportional size in relation to my other teeth. they look fantastic, it was relatively inexpensive and i was in and out in one 1.5 hour visit. no grinding teeth down or pain involved. maybe this is an option?