Isn't failing an F? I've gotten a few of those, epecially in Government class which I hate. So BORING! I rarely turned in assignments and always failed the tests but somehow I got away with a D even though I knew I should have failed the class! I guess I was given sympathy for always showing up for class and never being late.
Have you ever broke something and blamed it on somebody else?
I once knocked over this girl's hot chocolate cup with my butt in class and when she came back into the room, I told her it just fell. I helped her clean up though.
Have you ever caught someone doing something they shouldn't be doing and did you tell them you saw?
-- Edited by theotherjess at 13:05, 2006-04-29
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I caught someone cheating on a final exam in our art history class freshman year. I was really mad because I had studied my butt off for it (hadn't paid attention all semester)
Plus, cheating in college is a huge deal - very scanadalous, etc - I was going to tell on him but for some reason I didn't ... i still wish I had sometimes. I never told him I saw.
Have you ever snooped in the medicine cabinet when you were a guest in someone's house?
But of course! Have you ever told someone they looked good in something they didn't?
YES! All the time. But if asked for my honest opinion I tell the truth if I don't like it. I just feel that if someone else likes what they are wearing and are excited about it then why should I rain on their parade over something that is really a matter of preference anyway? Never done it on here though, no point.
Have you ever made up a completely untrue story just to impress someone?
Yes!! When interviewing for a job and they ask for specific examples likes "Tell me a time when....". The story I made up COULD have happened, it just didn't. =)
Have you ever lied to get out of work early?
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Yep, then I married him. :) Have you ever committed an act of revenge, if so what?
Yes. When I was 18, I used worked in a restaurant and I was dating this guy that also worked there. He told everyone, including me, that he was moving to a city 3 hours away and quit his job. The night before he was "moving," I was hanging out with him and I got a weird vibe. He didn't have anything packed (he only had one room, but still...) and people were calling him and he wasn't mentioning the move. So, I called his number a week later and he answered the phone! He hadn't moved at all. So, I was so pissed and got my best friend and we went to the grocery store and just bought anything that would be really hard to clean off of a car or would smell bad (eggs, vinegar, fish, etc.) We spent about $50. We had specific plans of how we were going to put the stuff together on his car, but we just freaked out and quickly threw everything at his car and left.
A few months later, he really DID move. We knew because my manager, who was a friend of mine, was called for a reference. He told me just what day this guy was starting at the new job. Two friends and I went there on his first day and just talked shit about him really loud. He was completely freaked out.
My question: What was the worst thing you have ever done and gotten away with?