Well, most of you know I got a new job about 2 months ago as a receptionist (with hopes so someday move to the art department and design) and within 3 weeks they sent me to the art dept. I was so excited and you all congratulated me and all was well.... except 1 thing. We are a very small company and regular company things seem to be overlooked here because everyone is so busy. We don't have any kind of company handbook and company-ish things aren't discussed that much. So when they told me I was moving into the art dept. they never told me any of the particulars like my title or salary. So I figured I would wait until the move. When no info came I sent an email to my boss asking for the list of company holidays and my title and salary. I got the holidays. Nothing else. So, coward that I am, decide to wait until I get a paycheck that would have my new hours as a designer on it and see if it was higher. Got it today...it's not. NOW WHAT DO I DO??? Are they actually trying to tell me that the RECEPTIONIST gets paid the same as a DESIGNER???? Because if so I want to go back to answering phones and ordering office supplies becasue that was much less stressful and worth the small salary. On a side note one of the other girls in the art dept. gossiped to me that no one has gotten a raise in like 2 or 3 years!!! So now I think I am stuck!!! Please help. I am blue.
First off, are you sure this paycheck was for the new position? A lot of companies are on a lag so that you get a check mid-April for the work you did at the end of March etc. It gets confusing sometimes when waiting for a raise.
If it is, I would go to your supervisor and ask. Did you ever find out your title? If not, could you say you need it for business cards or something? That would at least get the conversation started... I know it's hard to talk about money- I hate it!
Well, I was trying to do the math and I have been in the position for 3 and a half weeks so it should have shown up.
The funny thing about what you said is that I do have to make business cards and I do need to ask her my title, that's the easy part, but the asking her about the money thing is making me literally want to throw up, my stomach is in knots. I hate those kinds of conversations!!! Am I a coward???
If you've been 3.5 weeks I think it might actually be your next paycheck.... the math is confusing me right now though.
If you have to ask about title, when she tells you the new one say something like "oh good- that did go through then. When should I expect to see the adjustment in my paycheck?"
That's tough. I think you've got to get over your nervousness and talk to your boss directly about your salary. I honestly don't think anyone should evey assume that they are getting a raise. It is your life and you need to take control of your salary. Besides you don't want to let your boss decide your salary w/ no input from you, you should take the opportunity to try and negotiate. The company might have a standard for the position, but you'll never know unless you ask.
I would recommend doing some research on what the salary is in your area for similar positions. Send an email or voicemail to your boss requesting a meeting. Then take the opportunity to show how you deserve the salary and title you think you deserve.
That's tough. I think you've got to get over your nervousness and talk to your boss directly about your salary. I honestly don't think anyone should evey assume that they are getting a raise. It is your life and you need to take control of your salary. Besides you don't want to let your boss decide your salary w/ no input from you, you should take the opportunity to try and negotiate. The company might have a standard for the position, but you'll never know unless you ask. I would recommend doing some research on what the salary is in your area for similar positions. Send an email or voicemail to your boss requesting a meeting. Then take the opportunity to show how you deserve the salary and title you think you deserve.-- Edited by luckylily at 15:29, 2006-04-28
Ditto. You need to have the $ conversation, as uncomfortable as it is for you. IMO, before you begin any new position, you need to do the formal sit down talk where you agree on salary, new responsibilities, title, etc. and just get it all out of the way just once. Even though you've been in the position for 3.5 weeks, I still think it's worthwhile for you to try to have that conversation with your boss. She'll probably appreciate your directness (is that a word?) and you'll come away from the meeting with a much clearer idea of what's going on.
Ilovechoo - the problem with saying - "oh good, I can expect to see that..." won't work because we never did actually even talk about a pay raise, we didn't talk about the $ part at all, so I don't want to just expect it, you know.
luckylily - I agree about not letting her decide for me or just ignoring it and thinking it's ok. And I do need to get up that courage. I just hate this kind of stuff.
Thanks so much girls! I will let you know how it turns out.
Could you set up an actual meeting with her instead of asking via e-mail or in passing? If you commit her to spending some face-to-face time, it will be harder for her to say no or to evade your question. Set it up a week or so in advance and say something like, "Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have enjoyed my first few weeks in the design department. Some questions have come up along the way and I would appreciate it if you could take the time to meet with me. Some topics I specifically want to discuss are my job priorities, my new salary, and my job title, but I also would like to talk about any way I can benefit the company in my new position. Are you available Wednesday at 1pm?"
Ditto what Maat said if they haven't given you money yet - but didn't you find out they're paying you the same when you posted in careers? Either way, a job description is pretty much key if they're ever going to evaluate you in any meaningful way. I would bring some suggestions of things you want to do into the meeting, and personally, I would base those suggestions on skills you need to get a better job. This place sounds like it could be a lot of fun if you're the sort of person who doesn't need structure, plays by playground rules and doesn't mind getting bumped around a bit. But it could be a nightmare for a more orderly type who believes in rules, expects people in charge to be responsible or competent, and otherwise prefers a more consistent tie-in with expectations and rewards and that sort of thing. Good luck - some people hate negotiating, and I know it's hard if you're not used to doing it...
I would definintly let your boss know you expect a pay raise. Not speaking up will give them the idea that they can take advantage of you since you will never say anything.
Well, my fear came true yesterday. I went in to talk to my boss and she said that she "thought we were on the same page when I was hired that since I would eventually be moving into the design position, that the salary would stay the same." She told me that since I am at the bottom of the totem pole and have to learn about the production process here (even though I am a very good designer) it means I am not as skilled as the other girls in the dept. so I cannot expect be payed as much. So she told me that she can give me my review (with a raise) 6 months from my start date instead of 6 months from the start of me being in the design dept, which will be August.
I guess that's all I can do. I am just feeling really discouraged like I picked the wrong field. I feel like no matter where I go I will have to start at the bottom because each place will have different production procedures that I have to learn. I feel like why the hell did I go to college if I am now making about $5,000 more a year then I was 4 years ago as a full time waitress, and am now paying of a HUGE studant loan??????? I am just sad.
P.S. I also found out through a friend who happens to be my boss's niece that the new receptionist is only making $1,000 less then me and she has no college education and won't be designing anything, so she is just a REGULAR receptionist. But of course I am not supposed to know that info so I can't use it to argue a raise. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
the good news is that you're not too far from your review date - and you did say you were surprised to get into the design department so quickly - I would stick it out and then be prepared for the salary negotiation that comes with your review - be sure that you're always on time - get the work done, blah blah - so that you've got some serious bargaining tools when it comes time for you to tell her what you're worth.
seems like she thinks she might be able to get away with taking advantage of you - i think she may have won this "round" (other girls may have a diff opinion) but in august you have a chance to get your salary where it should be and proportionate to your position.
I agree. Trust me, when I go in there for my review I will be fully loaded with all the "this is what you are worth" reports from Monster, Hot Jobs and whatever else I can get my hands on!!!
you'd best be telling us you have a great raise in august - that or you're walking with some design experience to a firm that will pay you what you deserve!
Just one question...do you think that you would be making more $ or a similar amount if you were to leave your current position and start at the bottom somewhere else and plan to move up there, with the understanding that when you move up your salary will move up as well? It sounds like you may not be getting paid what you're worth at your current job and since you haven't invested too much time there you might consider making the change now and just cut your losses. I'm not sure what entry-level designers make but it seems like they should make more than receptionists so maybe if you were somewhere else, even if you have to start at the bottom again, they might actually increase your payment when you advance, unlike your current job. And if that were the case you would end up making more in the long run.
Well, I don't really want to go through the job change process again. Before this job I was at a print shop for about 6 months and I HATED IT!!! Now, I really like what I'm doing here, but the $ is bad. So I don't want to change again and seem like a job hopper. The second reason I don't want to leave is that I am planning on getting pregnant very early next year and then I will have a better maternity leave situation since I will have been here a year already. I will have had 2 reviews and raises by the time I have to take maternity leave so I will make more while I am out.
Oh sweetie, this isn't a WTF? situation, it's really pretty typical. You have to get over the surprise because it's hurting your ability to respond and it's going to end up making you feel trapped and more depressed. And well, I kind of told you what the boss was going to say in my careers post, right? That's because it's all just a game and bosses have said the same to me and my friends for years. It happens. The trick now is to make the situation work for you. Personally, given your personality I dont' think you're a very good fit with this company - since you play by the rules and they don't (it's a compliment to you, really). But if you want to stay you need to get out of the role you're playing or it's going to get worse. And again, I'm saying that because I've seen it. But you don't have to take my advice. Anyway, good luck.