for once in my life i won't be working, well at least not full time. i'm taking the summer off b/f school since i figure this is pretty much my last time i'll ever be able to do this. i have a lot of random things planned like getting my license (for real this time), taking dj class, and possibly getting a part time job.
well, hopefully weeding out my closet completely, maybe taking a summer class or two...
i was hoping to go to the beach this summer but my husband's car needs 1k+ of body work done on it to pass inspection (he wouldn't listen to me to take it to this shop i know that would pass it!)..and our washer probably broke. (i haven't checked all the fuses yet, but it's a crap washer anyhow) so no beach for erin. boo.
working, as usual. But I will probably get "Rodeo week" off (our city has a huge annual rodeo and most non-rodeo related businesses shut down during that time) so I am hoping to go camping or on hiking trips. And my 16 year old cousin may come to stay for part of the summer.
Other than that...nothing special. Gardening, taking the dog to the park, drinking margheritas.
right now, it looks like we will do two weeks in Istanbul, Turkey- Greece (not sure where in Greece yet)- and Maadrid, Spain and hopefully stop over in London, England to see some girlfriends of mine and my God child!
we're also moving (in the process of selling our current house), no where far just to something bigger, which works out even better now that we are expecting.
oh I'm also going to Miami in July with a bunch of my girlfriends (can't wait)
but in June I will be heading back home to Cincinnati for a wedding.I hope to be able to also do some train rides into NYC for shopping and to see some plays.I also want to take some day trips to Boston to see one of my buddies and of course shop!
Maybe in between all of that get unpacked for once and for all and decorate my new place!
i'm going to try to go somewhere for memorial day weekend- probably san diego or somewhere in CA.
then in late june, i'm meeting my two best friends from home in VEGAS for 4 days/nights! we are soooo excited. we bought our tickets a while ago and we have a countdown going. we've all been friends since we were little, but we've never done a trip just the three of us- can't wait! and i've never been to vegas. this trip will definitely be the highlight of my summer!
the rest of the summer, i'll be working and trying reallllly hard to save some money. i'm going to try to do a lot of reading, hiking, and researching business ideas so i can get myself out of corporate hell!
i might also try to go home to the east coast at the end of the summer/early september.
Other than that...nothing special. Gardening, taking the dog to the park, drinking margheritas.
are you forgetting something else?
im actually going to have the world's coolest job this evaluation of the availbility of maternity beds in the city plus other related prenatal services! and im gonna start on my masters project which will look at the availability of midwives for the under and uninsured populations and the effect on health outcomes. so excited to start my real career! plus lots of beach time and other fun stuff.
oh yeah...and the bf will be away all summer so im gonna be all by my lonesome starting in less than two weeks and running through mid/late august.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
oh man, i wish i was still at a point in my life where i had "summer!" my plans are, work, work, work .... work ... maybe some work if i have time. OH and also work. in that order.
Hermione wrote: oh man, i wish i was still at a point in my life where i had "summer!" my plans are, work, work, work .... work ... maybe some work if i have time. OH and also work. in that order. Ditto. And moving. I'll be moving in June.
Ugh me too. I am thinking I might take a week off and go do something, somewhere. Specific huh?
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Tomorrow will be the official beginning of summer because after 12pm, my finals will be over!!!!! (so why am I wasting time on here instead of studying? I don't know)
An internship at a gambling magazine! That's only 20 hours a week so I'm also keeping my current part-time job, but that's okay because I do it from my apartment and can work in my pajamas
Also, my brother moved to DC for the summer so hopefully I'll be out to visit him a few times.
Maybe moving? I like my apartment but all my friends in my neighborhood are moving to a new neighborhood (we're in college, everyone moves like every year it's completely ridiculous) so I might try to find one out there where I will still have friends within blocks.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123