Travel:We are hoping to drive down to Virginia Beach and Williamsburgh. I would also like to go to the Newport Clam Chowder Cookoff on June 3 in Newport Rhode Island. We may also take a trip to Boston.
Projects: I have a novelette I've started and want to complete. I really need to finish our wedding album. We have a 3-piece table set in our living room that we need to sell. Actually, we really need to have a yard sale; there is so much crap that we need to get rid of. I am taking a english lit class from late July to August.
So far no plans. Summer is a rather busy work wise around here. I was thinking of going to Silverwood but then I remember how my skin doesn't like the sun anymore.
i close on my house in june so i'll be moving, getting settled, and working in my yard. unfortunately, because im buying said house, shopping is not part of the agenda.
We have no real vacation planned - I say "we" because my DH is going to Ireland & England with his dad for 12 days, but it is his Christmas / birthday trip & I'm not invited. So while he is gone I think I'm going to Louisiana to help my mom move because she's building a new house & it should be ready right about the same time. I can't say that will be fun though - she's been in her current house 25 years.
Other than that it's just business as usual! We are going to New York in November though & I'm getting a new (for me) car in June, so that's exciting! It also means we can't afford another trip anyway!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm get back from school on May 26 and then am leaving for study abroad in Sri Lanka on August 2nd so my summer is pretty short. I tried to get an internship, but everyone wanted a three month commitment. So I'll be getting some crappy job. I'm actually excited, I haven't spent a summer at home since I was 14.
Nothing overly fun, let see, internship, school (1st half), one of my best friends wedding, Graduating!!!!, moving, and hopefully throwing some sort of trip in there. Maybe for my b-day?
Hermione wrote: oh man, i wish i was still at a point in my life where i had "summer!" my plans are, work, work, work .... work ... maybe some work if i have time. OH and also work. in that order.
I hear ya! I don't think I appreciated getting summers off (from school) nearly enough.
We're doing Mexico for 5 days in June and will catch some ballgames (we have a ticket package) and I'm gping to Chicago for a weekend with the girls in Aug. Otherwise I'll be working, looking for a new job, and hopefully buying a house/relocating. And maybe I'll revist last summer's project of trying to get a license...
I have plans to have the BEST.SUMMER.EVER! Because I am actually quitting my job tomorrow ( my notice) and DH and I are moving across the country in June. Then, for the first time since college, I will have the summer off while I decide what to do with the next phase of my life. So, right now my plans for the summer include:
- a road trip in June (scary) - yoga classes - hopefully some cooking classes - a vacation to Sonoma/Napa - three close friends' weddings - looking for a new home to buy
Right now I'm getting ready for a trip to Naples, Florida with hubby-my parents are coming to watch the kids! Then the day I get back, I have sales meeting in Chicago-just an overnight though.
Memorial Day we might take a road trip-maybe to Chicago (this time with my boys and DH). Later in May, I go to Dallas for another sales meeting.
September we are planning on taking the boys to Disneyworld.
Here's the rest of what I have planned:
-Planning a retirement party for my mom in June
-Taking my 11 year-old to several out-of-town sports camps
-16th reunion and "girls" weekend in June
-Trip out of town 4th of July (road trip)
-Baseball and summer basketball league games for my son
-We have season passes to a local amusement park which will go to a few times a week and also we have season passes to a waterpark
-Swimming at the Y
-Also I like to go to Home shows (Parade of Homes/Homerama) in the summer
Hopefully my summer will start out with attending my boyfriend's little brother's high school graduation. Then I have his grad party and their nephew's 1st birthday party. After that, I'm off to Disney World! When we get back I have my nephew's birthday party, our big 4th of July party, and lots and lots of bbqs. I turn 21 in August just before I go back to school, so that should be fun... and that's about it. I might try to work a lot so I can save money instead of working so many hours when I'm in school.
Work- I'm clerking this summer but not at a typical law firm. Instead I'm working for the in-house counsel department at the headquarters of a large, national restaurant chain. I'm really excited about that.
Travel- Nothing too exciting. I may go to my brother's college graduation in Dallas (I need to hurry up and decide about that), and I'm going to my friend's wedding in Houston. I'm sure I'll also go on weekend trips to Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami and trips back home to Atlanta.
Personal-I'm moving. I'm not too excited about the process but my new place will be nicer so that should be nice.
I'm taking summer classes so I can finish up my graduate degree by the end of December. For 4th of July weekend I'll be in Chicago for a friend's wedding, and my BF and I may fly out to San Francisco afterwards to visit my brother and his wife and baby. My BF has been terrified of flying for years, but it was his idea to go to San Fran, so I am very excited! In August I will probably go to Maine on a family vacation with my parents and brother's family, and the BF too, hopefully. Besides that, I'm trying to get in better shape! I'm sitting in my gym clothes right now trying to get motivated to go and get on the treadmill, actually.