I still haven't bought anything besides groceries, and sunblock for my face. Today I had to really fight the urge to buy a couple pairs of pants, which technically I could really use, but I'm trying to resist and get creative with wearing skirts instead.
I didn't do too badly, but I messed up AGAIN. bought some fabric (but does that really count? It kept me occupied, and was cheaper than buying clothes premade...) and some shoes at Payless. I only went in there to get casual sandals, which I needed, but ended up getting a pair of heels too. But I only spend 30 bucks...
yeah. I think I'm going to lock up my debit card. At least I'm not putting things on credit, but this is not good.
I keep saying I'm going to join in but haven't. Now I really really am b/c I have a goal to work towards...I need a fairly expensive plane ticket to go visit a friend this summer.
So this weekend I bought a new sports bra and T from Old Navy which really wasn't bad, about $30 togeather. But that's it- no more shopping until I save enough $$$ for my trip.
Well, I was doing well until I bought a Hayden-Harnett bag.
Last weekend I only bought one tee (that was a "need," by the way), ordered the HH bag (with a 25% off code), and I haven't bought anything since. Which isn't saying much, since it's only Wednesday morning.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Since hubby and I have 3 sets of plane tix to buy, I'm on a ban for May, which is going to be hard since I really want to buy a pair or two of shorts and some tops. I have no shorts, at all. And I just finished doing a closet purge and discovered that I need cute short sleeve tops, most of mine are either really old or kinda boring. Lesson learned: do not clean out your closet before going on a shopping ban.
well I have been frustrated with some things latley and since I did not have extra cash I put some stuff on my dillards card:red flats, pair of earrings, two shirts one was on sale for 9.99, eyemaker remover. I saw they have the brown kenzie wedges on their website and low and behold I may order them I have been wanting them for a while now
I guess I still haven't bought anything for myself even though my month long ban is over with. I'm a bit annoyed with the Macy's website. I spent a GOOD amount of time finding things to buy with the Friends & Family discount and had put over $200 of stuff in my cart (a lot of it happened to be sale/clearance stuff) when I'm ready to pay just about all but 2 items are unavailable! So I got mad and didn't get any of it. I'll just go to the store because if it's there it's for sale!