I just had to post because I just went to Target & came out with EXACTLY WHAT I WENT IN FOR!! $6 worth of supplies I need for a convention this weekend. Girls, I had 3 tanks & a pair of shoes in my dang buggy, but I put them back. I'm about to send the links to my DH though because my birthday is in a few weeks. I'm so proud of myself but I really do believe the adrenaline (sp?) rush because I was all heady......
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I've done fairly well, w/one exception. I have been hunting for that same yellow Anthro top rar210 posted today and I finally found it at a store, so I couldn't pass that up! Don't be mad girls - that's all I've purchased!
I cannot believe the month is almost over and I have not purcahsed any clothes or accessories (well, except knee highs, but I need those!), and random uneeded items from Target!
My bank account is seeing the rewards of not spending too! It's a good feeling to know you have cash in the bank when you need it. Usually a few days before payday I'm so low in cash, but not this month!
Great Job Laken!! I took a break this weekend because I'm at training and a friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long time drove down to see me. So I bought some bath bombs from Lush (we don't have them back home) and 2 pairs of gauchos from BR outlet and 2 cheap shirts from there too. I also hit up downtown disney and bought the cutest pink minnie apron and a mickey coffee tumbler for the bf. Probably $100 tops in total. Overall I did really well esp. since there was a barney's outlet and I didn't buy anything. And I've changed my summer vacation plans from SoCal (just too expensive) to Disney (yes its cheaper so I can save $$$). I'm excited.
Good job everyone! I haven't been posting often and I'm trying to stay away from the shopping section because I can't handle temptation! I've been doing well though, I don't know how long it's been since I've bought something but I know I haven't broken my ban. It definitely helps that my feet are swollen and I'm as big as a house :) Also, we're buying a house that's considerably larger than the one we're living in now and eventually I will need to buy furniture for two rooms, so that helps.
I went to Target for skin care items for the new acne.org regimen I'm trying.
I left with that and a couple of other things.
* Assets (Target Spanx) bike short thingies
* Camo print leggings. But they were only 5.99
ETA: I guess I should look on the bright side. I put down SO MUCH stuff (maybe $75 worth) and I put this on my debit card, so it didn't hit my charge at all. I also paid a lot off on my charge so the debt is being eaten away at...slowly but surely.
Congratulations everyone! It's been tough, but so far, I haven't bought anything this week. I'm finding it easier as time goes by & I see that my bank account is "healthier" due to the diet.
i've still only purchased that ebay dress from earlier this month and after playing around with it and not loving it, i'm reselling it on ebay. i justmade a $1200 payment on my credit card yesterday, which i am super proud about.
i think i'm going to have to buy some new sneakers though because i'm really finding that i miss having some to wear on casual days. i'm going to wait until next month and i know which ones i'm getting -
so i'm going to hunt around and find the best price for them.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
Lilykind, you are forgiven for the Assets - if mine would have had them I would have bought them too - I went looking for them. Please give me a review. And really, I couldn't have passed up $6 camo leggings - even though I don't plan on wearing leggings.
-- Edited by laken1 at 10:01, 2006-04-27
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
gosh, everyone's been so good! not me though...but i did buy some sunglasses at Target and then returned them when they didn't fit in the compartment in my car, so that counts for something right?
i also bought a book about sewing so i can try to start using my new sewing machine (that shouldn't count right? it could ultimately save me money if i make my own clothes!), a cd (alright, i'll admit i bought it cause i ordered the book on Amazon and i wanted free shipping so i spent a little more...oops), and a bag on eBay which is way huge, like over 5 inches wider than was listed...so i'm not sure what to do about that. i don't usually like such big bags. maybe that'll teach me to stick to my shopping ban. it was only $25 though...
omg...i sound exactly like Becky Bloomwood...i'm in trouble...
um, I bought two more pairs of shoes. and I am now officially out of birthday money so I have no more excuses. Plus, we are seriosuly looking at moving and buying a house sooner than we had originally though so I need to be saving every last cent. I will not be spending any money until June, other than what I need for my vacation (and all I can really think of is a one piece bathing suit and maybe a coverup).
I'm doing good. Unfortunately, a bunch of random stuff came up this month (new brakes for the car and a vet bill), so when all is said and done I actually don't have any extra money to put toward the credit card or savings! I'm really bummed about that, but at least I didn't put anything additional on the cc.
I've been feeling this week like I have a whole in my shoe wardrobe in that I don't have any brown shoes. I have brown boots, but nothing that works well in spring/summer. Fortunately, I still have my Christmas Nordstrom gc, so I should be able to get something with that and not break the ban.
Good job everybody! It's going well for me - I set aside $100 to buy a new pair of sandals and shorts for summer, and I actually came in under budget (I always overspend ). I found shorts at BP for $38 and sandals at Bandolino marked down to $29.99, then I left the mall without buying anything extraneous.
I have done well. It feels like I haven't though, because I just received an online order from last week, so I feel as if I have bought new stuff. But I've already held myself accountable for it last week, so it doesn't count again since I received it.
Anyway, last weekend I went to visit a friend that lives near Sacramento and I bought NOTHING. Monday I went to Shoe Pavillion and didn't even try any shoes on. That is a big step for me. Usually I'll try shoes on for fun, then I like the way they look so I get them. It took willpower to not even try them on. Then I stopped by the mall and didn't get anything there either.
Tomorrow I am taking the day off and going shopping with my mom. I don't think I'll be buying anything, because the place we're going is $$$ and more for window shopping/people watching.
This weekend I'm also planning on returning stuff I've bought in previous weeks that I don't really need.
ETA I completely forgot that I ordered the JS platinum pumps. I guess I have not done so well this week... but I blame it all on ST! And I forgot to order it by clicking on the link through ST.
-- Edited by zeitgeist4 at 13:37, 2006-04-27
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I've been excellent. Not to brag but I haven't purchased one single thing. I'm happy about that. I have a little extra money this month even after paying my large cc payment (just a bit), so I'm going to buy the board shorts I want for swimming this summer - on my pre and post-shopping ban list so technically okay - and take the boy out for a couple of dinners to pay him back for all the times he takes me out.
Unfortunately, I have some car repairs I have to get done next month so I don't know how much extra $$ I'll have. We'll see. I may have to make the minimum payments on the ccs and see if I have anything left over to pay on them. I hate to do it because I'm afraid I'll spend it but I'll give it a go.
I can't remember, this has been a long week with finals and all. I know I bought my nephew a b-day gift which was a little pricey. I spent money on food and gas of course. I also had to buy new facewash because i am frustrated. But other than that, I think that is it. I know that I am going to have to buy an outfit soon for the whole bridal shower thing I have to go to. I already tried to figure something out with the clothes I already own by I am being uncreative.
But everyone is doing great. I think by having a whole support group it helps because it is like you think twice about your purchases now.
So, before coming to this board, I went on this three month shopping ban and saved a CRAZY amount of money. It's amazing how you don't really realize just how much you're spending until you cut out shopping altogether and find yourself with tons of money.
Then, after the ban I went crazy...and it was like all my pent-up shopping desires just came out in one huge mad flow.
So, after this weekend (I'm going to H&M) I am back to another shopping ban. I must pay off my debt, it's getting out of control.