Aww, one of my kitties ran away last year and we never found her . I hope your kitty turns up soon. The other girls had great suggestions though, so keep checking the old place, humane society, etc.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Was dusty the one that was missing first? I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you. You might also try leaving some food on your porch- maybe the other kittie has come by when you are gone?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Was dusty the one that was missing first? I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you. You might also try leaving some food on your porch- maybe the other kittie has come by when you are gone?
I will try this tonite..............keep your fingers crossed!