alb wrote: tri_sarah_tops wrote: alb!!! Congratulations! Thanks, Sarah! How are you feeling? Are you ready? I have a friend that's due May 19th and she's having a girl--same as you!
I guess I'm as ready as I can be! For awhile I was freaking out because her room isn't ready, but now we're buying a house and we close on May 26th, so at this point I guess it doesn't really matter. Moving and having a newborn is probably going to be a lot to handle, but my in laws will be here (normally we have no family in the area) and I won't be working, so it may actually be more convenient. I feel pretty good for the most part. Lots of heartburn and some water retention, but other than that I'm good.....just ready to have the baby! Anyway, thanks for asking! How is everyone else doing?
Glad things are going well--tri-sarah-tops! i have another friend who moved also right around the due date--and it worked fine. Good luck and keep us posted!
btw I so remember the swelling and the heartburn. Prilosec was the only thing that helped me for the heartburn, but my ankles were perpetually swollen! hang in there, it will all be worth it!
alb wrote: tri_sarah_tops wrote: alb!!! Congratulations! Thanks, Sarah! How are you feeling? Are you ready? I have a friend that's due May 19th and she's having a girl--same as you! I guess I'm as ready as I can be! For awhile I was freaking out because her room isn't ready, but now we're buying a house and we close on May 26th, so at this point I guess it doesn't really matter. Moving and having a newborn is probably going to be a lot to handle, but my in laws will be here (normally we have no family in the area) and I won't be working, so it may actually be more convenient. I feel pretty good for the most part. Lots of heartburn and some water retention, but other than that I'm good.....just ready to have the baby! Anyway, thanks for asking! How is everyone else doing?
OMG! I can't believe she is almost seems like it was just yesterday you announced it...
although I'm sure it doesn't feel like yesterday by now. You'll be in my thoughts/prayers...with the move and all. It will be tough but it will definitely all work out in the end! :)
My sister moved 10 days before her last baby was born - she said it was actually her best move because she just had to be the supervisor, was in nesting mode anyway, and it did really work out.
Thanks for posting this Irene - I love keeping up with the ST baby club.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad