It looks I am moving to Denver at the end of the summer due to my husband landing a new position with his company. The cool part is that location doesn't matter as far as a work commute goes because he will mainly work from home.
This is very sudden and I haven't even thought much about Denver in years, the last time I was there in 1997 with my bf at the time. We stayed for a week with his sister and I loved it, even though I recall having altitude sickness for a couple days and I felt "cold" in July! I wish I could remember the neighborhood that his sister and her hubby lived in, it was an established one with small one story homes, nice and clean lots with plenty of trees.
If any residents or former residents have some time....would you list some areas (suburbs too) and describe what the homes are like and what you like and didn't like? I currently live in what I consider an upper middle class suburban area with mainly young families and I would like to find something similar in Denver area.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Urban neighborhoods that are mainly uppper middle class with young families and single professionals are: Wash Park, Congress Park, some areas of Capital Hill and Cheesman Park, Platte Park, probably others that I'm not thinking of right now.
Outlying areas like this that aren't quite suburbs but aren't really "city": area near Denver University, Highline Canal area
Suburbs are really mixed here. If you have specific ones in mind, I'm happy to PM you more about them, or if you want more specific info. on anything else, I'm happy to help!
You'll love Denver!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
thanks poptart! also, I meant to add.... anyone know of any local websites with good info on area stats? anything from restaurant reviews to school ratings would be appreciated
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld and have the best restaurant reviews. Cultural stuff:;;;;; larimer I'm sure there are tons more, but these are what come to mind.
In Colorado, a lot of importance is placed on our standardized test: the CSAP. This website shows how various schools and districts performed on it:
In general Denver Public Schools aren't great and Cherry Creek Schools have a good rep. Jefferson County is also pretty good, and I think they do a better job with at-risk kids or kids with learning disabilities, if that's at all a concern for you. Unfortunately, I don't know a ton more about the public schools. I used to work with private schools, though, so if you want info on privates, I can help more.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare