I received the shirt I bought on ebay this week and it was really cute which lead me to buy another from active endeavors but I had a gift card for $25 a code for $5 off so it only cost me $20 for the shirt
Otherwise its just been paying bills and making a donation for a friend riding in the big MS150 bike race between houston and austin this weekend. I'm heading to the liquor store after work but limiting it to under $30 (more like $20). I am so excited. I paid off my couch this week!!!! Got my tax refund and am paying my dad back for the CPA exam next week, resigning up for the review course with it (so no money out of my pocket!!!) and put the remaining money in a 6 month cd at ing. I am so proud of myself. I refuse to let myself spend any of my refund on frivelous things that I don't really need especially since I am trying really hard to lose weight. If I can't pay for it with my regular paychecks then I don't need it.
I will probably bend some this weekend as I am visiting a friend in orlando and we will probably hit up the outlet malls.
Ugh... how do you people always know when I buy stuff? You know I have to fess up!!!
Yesterday I got a leather overnight bag by Latico for $40 at TJ Maxx. I just use my old school backpack currently, so I feel very grown up having a "real" travel bag.
Also 2 pairs of shoes at Payless because of the Buy One Get One sale, but I am being strong and returning one of them.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Ugh... how do you people always know when I buy stuff? You know I have to fess up!!!
Don't feel bad. I find I only check in after I've broken my ban and then I tend to rationalize it by saying what I've saved/paid off/etc. haha. You are not alone.
Nothing so far. But I am buying some yarn tomorrow for my convention next weekend, but it will be within my $20 allowance so technically that isn't cheating.
And damn you Z4 for reminding me of the Payless shoes that I had forgotten about...I was going to order my size & have them sent to my local store. Damn you! Damn you!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I did good in terms of clothes and stuff. However, I have been lazy about getting to the grocery store, and I ended up having to buy lunch every day this week. It isn't part of my ban, but that's $40 or so that could go to something else.
This weekend should be pretty easy simply because I've got no extra money in my account right now. I will definitely go to the grocery store and make sure I have lunches for next week tho.
I'm doing really well and the month is more than half over!
Yesterday me and my bf went to the dollar store and I got a ton of great stuff (he bought of course!) They have some good scrapbooking selections- I got a super cute ladybug craft punch and this huge decorative square paper punch, only $1 each! Also I was suprised to see nice matted and framed palm tree prints, there was two styles so I got those and they are either going in the living room or my palm tree themed bathroom.
Little trips like that really curb my shopping urges!
I was good this week. I only bought some greeting cards and a wedding gift (necessity, pretty much). I have been running late for work though, and haven't always packed my lunches...eating out really adds up.
I had a little slip, I went to the mall because I was waiting on my boyfriend and I wandered into Gap, who was having a huge sale. Anyways, I limited myself to only buying a pair of work pants which i need because I am trying to build up some work clothes to transition into work from college. Anways they were only $8.00. So it was not that big of a deal. Plus i am returning a shirt I bought at Target because of boredom last weekend which is $18. Other than that just grocery shopping oh and high gas prices.
kel - definetly start hitting up those sales. I am still trying to build a decent sized work wardrobe after a year of trying. Gap was an excellent source of work pants as well as the gap outlet and br outlet. $8 is a great deal!
laken1 wrote: And damn you Z4 for reminding me of the Payless shoes
Yes, we are not safe in any subtopic on this forum. Keeping out of "Shopping & Fashion" will not curb your shopping desire, and posting progress on your shopping ban doesn't help either!
But without ST, where would we be (aside from being productive at work and having fat wallets)?
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I've been doing great! I haven't bought a single thing (well, I spent 20 on margaritas and has a hot dog at a ballgame but food is necessary right? ). I looked at my bank account yesterday and it was so cool to see that I'm already getting another paycheck and haven't really spent anything out of the last one. I'm getting antsy though. I might buy one reasonable priced top or something from my wishlist so that I don't completely crack. I haven't gotten anything new for spring/summer yet anyway and I'm still sick of my clothes from last year. And I still have birthday money come to think of it... I forgot that I hadn't even spent that!
I did OK...I went shopping for stuff at the drugstore and my BF reimbursed me for most of it. I also paid fro dry cleaning.
I had to pay off student loans and put some towards the cc debt so I've still got no money...what else is really new?
I need to work out more...as long as I'm at the gym sweating my ass off, I have very little urge to shop. Oh wait...then there's those damned Hard Tail pants.
I need to work out more...as long as I'm at the gym sweating my ass off, I have very little urge to shop. Oh wait...then there's those damned Hard Tail pants.
i know! my gym has over-priced, but really cute matching workout clothes. you'd think you can get away from shopping at least at the gym! (my fave work out clothes places: gap body, mashall's, TJ Maxx, Sports Authority, ebay-new items).
ETA: great job ladies!
-- Edited by shopgirl82 at 16:22, 2006-04-21
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I guess I am off the wagon for about a week. My husband and I discussed our finances and decided I can take a week off of my break since I was on one trip and have to get some stuff for the next trip. So I will be back from hiatus next week.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I've been excellent! No shopping for me. Not one, single thing.
I went looking for an outdoor table this weekend. I ended up getting an old one of the neighbor's. It was on the curb as a throw away so it was free, free, free! Cheap, I know but it was a perfectly good table! I'm going to get a vinyl tablecloth (the tackier, the better - it suits my outdoor decor perfectly) at a dollar store or something to cover it with. It's going to look so awesome and it doesn't interfere with my $50/week spending.
The weekend was *really* hard. I located an adorable pair of leapord print Prada pumps at my fave consignment shop. I almost gave in, but then I decided that I was probably liking the label more than the actual shoe. I am so proud of myself for resisting.
I turned my closet this weekend, so I kind of feel like I have a whole new wardrobe. That should keep me going for a while. Unfortunately, I'm almost out of shampoo, mascara, and deodorant, so I'm going to have to spend some money this week on that stuff.