i want to post pictures and i cant. i've done it plenty of times before with my old computer but for some reasons im having problems doing it with the lap top. i always use Shutterfly, i go there and i can only view the little pictures, even from the past pictures i posted w/my old computer, i can only view the little ones. the big picture thats supposed to be there is missing and only has a red x on the top left hand corner of where the pic. should be. I've right clicked, gone to properties, nothing works......
and i really nees some advice on some pants i want to wear Sat. night!!!!!
Ok, let me start by saying "i dunno". But give us some more info - did you try using photobucket? it's also a free site. I was wondering if it was an issue with photo hosting all around or just with shutterfly. What kind of computer are you on?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad