So, I've been interning at a law firm for two years now. I've posted frustrations about it before, but I've decided that I wouldn't mind working here for a few years to gain experience, etc.
So, I kind of thought someone might approach me about my upcoming graduation and offer me a position. Well, that hasn't happened. I kind of think they are all too busy to think about it - or it could mean they don't want me.
I've decided that I can't just sit around and wonder anymore. Graduation is just weeks away. So, my friends say I should approach on of the partners and just ask if there are any opportunites for me here.
So, ladies, I need you to tell me that I can do this! I am so scared of rejection! And I don't know how to approach it with I schedule a time to meet with her, do I just pop in and talk to her....what should I do.
You have nothing to lose by asking. I would just call or e-mail the woman you are referring to, explain that graduation is nearing, and that you would like to discuss placement in their firm - "I am available x date at x time to meet, please let me know if that's a good time for you to meet, and if not what date and time would be convenient for you." Get it set up. Be direct, not open ended. Own it. Assume it. Be confident. They wouldn't have had you interning for two years if they didn't think you had value. You know you have what they are looking for, and you're ready to contribute as soon as they are ready to bring you on. Sitting back and waiting for them to tap you on the shoulder will not make things happen - be aggressive and get it done.
-- Edited by detroit at 13:06, 2006-04-20
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
You absolutely have to do this. You can't put it off any longer. What if the worst case scenario comes true? You need as much time as possible to start preparing your materials and yourself for the job search. I personally think it's kind of shitty of them not to have come to you before now.
All that said, you can do it! You know you can. Detroit suggested an excellent email and I'd go that route. Just do it. It's just like a shot, the pain is in the anticipation. Good luck!
Okay - You girls are right. However, things are SO CRAZY today...I've decided to do this next week. We have a training scheduled for Monday morning and I want to go to that. Interns never go to these things, but I want to show that I am eager to learn and develop. And I have told myself that I will talk to her by Tuesday! I promise! I didn't totally chicken out...just found a valid excuse to put it off!
I have no advice because lawyers freak me out too. But when I have to do something I hate, and I dont' know how it's goign to work out, I tell myself that I'm going to be the kind of person I want to be. Then I picture that person, and how she'd act. And I plan what I want to do. Then just do it. That way, I may not have gotten the outcome I wanted, but at least I can be proud of how I handled myself.
Does that help? Because lawyers seriously just TRY to mess with people, so I totally know what you're going through... You're not a chicken. they're just crazy...