My dogs love to play with the soft squeaky toys, but they just don't last. Within hours the toy is destroyed and I have that white stuffing all over my house. I know there's a bunch of dog owners on this site, so I was wondering if anyone has found a strong toy that lasts longer than a day! I know there are rubber toys, but I'd really like to find a squeaky type toy since they love those so much. Thanks!
Mine does that too. I think part of the fun in it is "killing" the animal by tearing out the stuffing. I love watching my dog do that.
My bro told me about these new dog toys he found on the internet at They are made of some kind of combat material and are guaranteed to last. Like I said I like the unstuffing of the toys so I never looked into it, but let me see if I can find them on the site...
I couldn't find them on that site, but this is what he had...
view detailed image Squeeze Meeze Latex Dog Toys $5.99 Product Information: Whimisical latex dog toys contain a squeaker that when squeezed expands sections of each toy like party favor blowouts.
Squeeze the elephant and its trunk and tail expand.
Squeeze the dragon and its tongue and tail expand.
Squeeze the octopus and its eight legs expand.
Remember to always supervise pets when they play with toys.
view detailed image JW® Dino CuzTM Dog Toys from $5.99 Product Information: This tough and colorful rubber dog toy can be thrown like a ball for a game of fetch. Pliable, resilient natural rubber satisfies dog's craving to chew. Contains a squeaker for added fun.
Available in assorted colors, please let us pick a color for you.
Remember to always supervise pets when they play with toys.
-- Edited by detroit at 12:55, 2006-04-20
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I have the same problem I spend so much money on dog toys and he destroys them with in hours. I try to find flat ones without a lot of stuffing in them. I hate the rubber ones because they just smell so bad and besides he loves the soft ones better. To occupy him I usually freeze a Kong with doggie peanut butter and a cookie inside. It takes him a ton of time to get through it and it's totally stimulating for him.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I have the same problem I spend so much money on dog toys and he destroys them with in hours. I try to find flat ones without a lot of stuffing in them. I hate the rubber ones because they just smell so bad and besides he loves the soft ones better. To occupy him I usually freeze a Kong with doggie peanut butter and a cookie inside. It takes him a ton of time to get through it and it's totally stimulating for him.
I also used the Kong, it's very durable....though it doesn't squeak or pull apart, so my dogs don't treat it the same as toys meant to be "killed." It could actually be a good thing that your dog destroys toys though, if there is torn cloth being pulled between the teeth, it's good for their dental health and means that your vet won't have to bug you about brushing dog teeth (yuck). Rope toys and rawhides are expecially good for doggie teeth and gums.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
my dog is the same way. i actually went to the 99 cent store and bought her a squeaky plastic thingy and it holds up so well. she loves it and its not too lound enough to drive my husband crazy....
Our dog is the same way, but she only likes the stuffed 'babies'. She kills them quickly and delights in dragging the stuffing (wet & slobbery) around. Yuk... Then she drags the limp baby around & chews on it.
It's a vicious cycle. We've tried the rubbery toys but no luck. I'd be interested if you find a more durable replacement!
is the problem that you're spending so much money replacing them, or is it the stuffing you have to clean up?
my dog loves to kill stuffed animals, I started just going to goodwill or the salvation army and stocking up on stuffed animals. They're like .25 or .50, and she goes to town on them.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123