I'm looking for a Muscle and Fitness Hers Special Magazine issue from 2005. It wasn't part of the regular subscription cycle only sold at stores or newstands. It's titled: Muscle & Fitness Hers Special: Exercise, Lifestyle, Nutrition (Summer 2005). I lost it right after I came back from my business trip..the last thing I remember is taking out of my luggage and putting it on my coffee table w/a bunch of other stuff. I think DH may have accidentally thrown it out
I called the magazine and they do not have any more issues, checked ebay, turned my house upside down looking for it! There was also a laptop case that was too small that I returned to Target and I remember when I was trying to fit all my stuff in it I put the magazine in there too, but I remember taking it out...I think...
SO....Does anyone have this issue they're willing to sell it to me or make a copy of it? I'll pay up to an arm and a leg! PLEASE???
Isn't muscle & fitness a weider pub? if so, call them and request a back issue. they'll charge you a leg (you'll get to keep the arm) for it. even if it isn't a weider pub, most magazines will sell you a back issue.
you could go to a local (larger) university and look for it, if they don't have a subscription to the magazine itself, they might have a subscription to an online magazine search. at my university, they subscribe to a couple of services where you can search past journals and sometimes magazines. You might only be able to view them online, but you could print it out and make a little makeshift magazine, if it's really this important!
what's so special about this issue??
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Ok I'm a nerd, I was cleaning out our coat closet where I keep my carry-on and decided to look in there. I was 100% sure it wouldn't be in there, and lo and behold....it was in there all this time! So I squeeled and started jumping up and down a la Tom Cruise.
Anyway, the special thing about the issue is that its a compilation of their best articles from previous months w/o all of the bland, fluffy filler articles that don't do me any good. Plus I love that there is a 12 week workout plan, and has a seperate section for cardio, nutrition and strenght. Kinda like Working out for Dummies...like me.