Okay, well aside from the fact that it's the Monday after easter and I'm stuck in holiday mode, my day has been even more shitastic than that. At my company when a client gives an employee a compliment, we put it on what we call the "Customer Kudos" page on the company intranet. So I added a kudos to the intranet on Friday. It was a simple "thanks". When a manager gives me a kudos to upload, I do it, no questions asked. I come in to work this morning to find an email from this jack@ss saying, "not that I really care at all, but how is this a kudos?" Since this guy is constantly doing this, I matter-of-factly reply what the definition of kudos is according to websters dictionary, which is giving praise. Fine no problem there. I went to forward the guy's jerky email to my DH saying, "why is this guy out to be a jerk?" and realize I send it to the JERK! And he's not just a manager, he's a DIRECTOR! I'm just the COO's admin. I seriously want to crawl under my desk today to avoid him, but I'm due in a meeting at 3:00 which he is in.
Okay, he was surprisingly nice during the meeting which was a huge relief! I think I'm going to act as if I was sarcastic if it ever comes up. Lots of people can't stand him because of his jerk-like behavior.
On a side note: I really hope I'm not the only once that's done something dumb with email.
Thank goodness the jerk was so nice about the email, nunzi182...I think I would've died on the spot if I had done that.
I have an upset stomach caused from eating way too much Easter dinner watered down with juice consisting of
3 oranges
4 carrots
1 lb of green grapes
I feel so...gaseous...(sorry if this is TMI)
I can't even handle to eat half the black bean enchilada from amy's that I brought in for lunch. I am eating a Butterfinger right now to make myself feel better.
On top of this, I haven't been to the gym in a week due to sheer lazyness.