Hello ladies this is the first time I have been on here in a while. I was reading and came across that nonsense - when my mom [may] ask what to do with her hair? I couldn't believe what I was reading. Hopefully it is all in the past. Just to let everyone know [may] is not fictional . We all are a very real, loveing, and careing family.I don't know who this billy sue is or anything about her. So just to say hello to you all and have a very happy easter.
-- Edited by hello kittie at 21:44, 2006-04-16
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!
I can definitely understand why you would resent those posts by "Billie Sue". I have no idea what his/her intentions may have been but I didn't like the whole thing one bit. I just hope your mom didn't think that was what all the STers are like.
Thanks Hedvig.For your reply to Hello Kittie and to all the other good ladies on stylethreads. I don;t know about Billie Sue ither but it doesn't bother me about what she said . thats all some people have to do is to run there mouths and they don't know what they are talking about. Anyway i haven't seen her back on S/T guess she got the message.Have a good evening.
i dont no what is problem is with what i said maybe you dont like my ideas. but i never said no bad things about anybody go look and see. maybe i dont kno lots about fashion stuff like you ladys but i sure do like pretty stuff.
Hello Kittie thanks for your Moral support and yes we are a loving and caring family and i'm so glad we were able to spend Easter with KayKay and Chris as that is what family is all about
OK people, according to your IP addresses you live very close to one another. Why don't you just pick up the phone and call each other? I'm getting tired of hosting the Jerry Springer show on the forum.