Last weekend DH & I went to San Diego and before we left I transfer extra spending $$ from our Savings to our Checking...or so I thought.
Yesterday, I tried to pump gas using my ATM card and was declined, I logged on to my account right now and turns out I transfered money from my Bank Acct to my Savings Account, so now I have load of $$ in my Savings, but over $200 in overdraft charges on my Checking!!!!
I know its a shot in the dark but should I call and explain what happened and hope they'll understand...I mean they can see the transactation where I take out $...and pray they refund some or all of the charges??
Be polite but very persistant, even ask for a supervisor if necessary. If you have been a good client then they shouldn't punish you for an honest mistake, especially considering they do have your money, even if it wasn't in that particular account so it's not like they were actually covering your costs, it just looked that way due to the account it was overdrawn from. Maybe even bring up my point as it counters any justification for the fees to begin with.
Thanks for the encouragement, I just called and spoke to a very nice guy and he looked up the transaction and completely understood and credited me back all of the overdraft charges!!!!!!