sometimes i feel like my bf and i are so perfect for eachother, and then there are times when i think that we have different priorities/interests. i know that 90% of the time we're on the same page, but part of me thinks that's not good enough. !
In my experiences, I don't think it's possible to be on the same page 100% of the time with your SO. In fact, I think 90% is pretty darn good! Do you really want to be the same exact type of person? The fact that you share many similar interests and ideas is enough and it's most likely the differences that make you and your bf so compatible. Just my two cents though!
shopgirl82 wrote: sometimes i feel like my bf and i are so perfect for eachother, and then there are times when i think that we have different priorities/interests. i know that 90% of the time we're on the same page, but part of me thinks that's not good enough. ! In my experiences, I don't think it's possible to be on the same page 100% of the time with your SO. In fact, I think 90% is pretty darn good! Do you really want to be the same exact type of person? The fact that you share many similar interests and ideas is enough and it's most likely the differences that make you and your bf so compatible. Just my two cents though!
I totally agree with nunzi! Being with someone who doesn't have all the same interests as you allows you open up and experience new things that you wouldn't necessarily have experienced before and vice versa. I definitely would get bored if I was with a carbon copy of myself.
thanks girls. i agree. i guess i should have phrased that better. for example, the simple issue of vacation. i've gone on his types and i enjoy them, but sometimes i just want to sit on the beach. him, on the other hand would be miserable in the sun on the beach. so we end up going on vacations that he loves and i like, but none that i love because i know that while i'll have a good time on his types of vacations, he would be miserable on mine and then i couldn't enjoy it. i know that i can go on mine with friends/family, but that's not the point (i want to go with him). and the $$ issue. i'm younger than him and i have savings and no debt (i think i'm well above average for my age), but he's very cautious and sometimes it puts a damper on our entertainment budget because he has a, "that's $10 closer to retirement mind-set". i would rather have him be that way than frivolous, but these differences are stressing me out. i guess that's what i meant by having similar interests. we share the same interests but we prioritize them differently. sorry about the saga.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
thanks girls. i agree. i guess i should have phrased that better. for example, the simple issue of vacation. i've gone on his types and i enjoy them, but sometimes i just want to sit on the beach. him, on the other hand would be miserable in the sun on the beach. so we end up going on vacations that he loves and i like, but none that i love because i know that while i'll have a good time on his types of vacations, he would be miserable on mine and then i couldn't enjoy it. i know that i can go on mine with friends/family, but that's not the point (i want to go with him). and the $$ issue. i'm younger than him and i have savings and no debt (i think i'm well above average for my age), but he's very cautious and sometimes it puts a damper on our entertainment budget because he has a, "that's $10 closer to retirement mind-set". i would rather have him be that way than frivolous, but these differences are stressing me out. i guess that's what i meant by having similar interests. we share the same interests but we prioritize them differently. sorry about the saga.
It's ok, shopgirl! You've just described you both making sacrifices for the other. That's a big part of love. Don't doubt so much!
1. i sleep with my cell phone instead of my husband
2. every night that i go to bed i have to play at least one stupid cell phone game and it keeps me up at night!
3. my husband never asks for receipts so i always say i paid more for things so i can have more cash in my pocket (im a stay at home chick)
4. so of course when he wants sex and i dont, i happen to start to mention things i want and need and i get it if i give it up to him
i sound like a bad wife dont i?! But hey, were going on 11 years and i've been staying home for about 5 years! i miss working, to have a reason to get dressed every day and having my own side money..... i know, i know, im lucky i can stay home and take care of my 3 year old. :)
I just now remember another reason I quit ST awhile back: I end up obsessed with this site and cannot stop checking it constantly during work hours! Ugh. It's getting impossible to get any work done. But do I try and control myself? Why no! I keep coming back. I must be obsessive compulsive, like my Anthro shopping.
I just finished finals, except for this 20 page paper I got an extension on this. My professor encouraged me to take extra time, I didn't even ask for it, but I still haven't written a word.
I have befriended 5 new people on Facebook today. I NEVER friend people on Facebook. I'm procrastinating so much.
I've watched two mivies today and three other shows on my parents' TiVo. It's only 2:47.
I found out there is a chance I might be going to school this fall, instead of saving more money, I started shopping more
that's good to hear. i'm in the same boat. in theory i should be saving for impending poverty, but i *keep* shopping. my new rationale is i should stock up now so i'll have stuff to wear when i'm too poor to shop.
-My flextime job just changed from 4 days a week to 3 days a week THIS week but I told my husband the 3 day week starts NEXT week and I took a day this week to shop ALL DAY by myself.
-I won a few contests at work and got some gift certificates and I refuse to tell my husband about them because he will try to tell me what to spend them on (he needs new shoes, the kids need spring clothes, etc). Also, I have doing focus group research studies and I keep that money to spend on crap I don't need like cd's, makeup, etc. (For all of you stay at home moms/ladies-don't feel bad, I work and my husband still wants to tell me what to do with our money!)
-I plan on taking the kids to the sitter next week on the two days I have off. I can't get ANYTHING done with the little ones with me and I want to list stuff on ebay, organize and take pictures to post on Stylethread!