It's driving me crazy! I buy a lot of stuff from Banana Republic and I am going to blame them because everytime I walk into a store I beep as I walk through the security gates. I beep at Target, CVS, the post office, etc., etc., etc. It drives me nuts!!!! The dumbest thing is sometimes I beep on the way in but not on the way out!
This has been happening for a few weeks. At first, I didn't get it then I figured out that BR puts those tags in their items that look like regular tags but are really security tags. I went through all of my clothes and cut them out and that helped, the beeping started to be less frequent. Then today, I went into Anthro and beeped as I walked in. There was a girl standing at the door and she stopped me and I said I had just walked in. We talked about it for a bit and I laughed and explained that I have been beeping often. I told her to remember that I beeped on the way in and I will probably beep on the way out-she said not to worry. When I went to walk out, of course, I beeped again. I glanced over, saw that the girl was standing right there and went ahead and walked out. Then, I got into my car and went to drive away and I see the girl and another woman looking out the door staring at me. I pulled up and had to explain the whole thing again which was totally annoying! I felt like a criminal!
Then I went into BR, and beep yet again. The girls come over and talk to me and I tell them what had been happening. They ended up finding another tag in the BR purse that I have been carrying. The ended up cutting it out right in the store and I was so happy not to have to worry about it again. Then I walk out the door and what do I hear...BEEEEEP! I give up!!!!
Now, I have become paranoid of security gates. Anytime I walk through one I wonder if I will beep. Does this make anyone else crazy????
Yeah it is annoying, this has happened to me also. I just don't understand why you keep beeping. The problem should be solved. I know how embarassing it is. Well I hope you find a solution for the sake of your sanity.
OMG! that happened to me one time at the airport. i was going through security and i kept buzzing. of course i was late for my flight and they were like, " miss, we can't let you go through with the thing buzzing". i told them to feel me up for all i care (it was a lady) i just wanted to make my flight. finally tucked all the way in the back of my pants was that metal sensor thing (like the ones the put on the back of dvds, cds).
aghhhhhhhhh. it was so frustrating trying to figure out what it was! i don't know why that can't just do regular sensors.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Could there be a security tag on your bra? If you've gone through all your clothes and you're still beeping, that's the only thing I can think of. Except maybe a wallet too. I'd check any of your newer purchases just to double check everything.
That sucks though. I know it's happened to all of us at one point, but to have it keep happening would get really old.
the other thing it could be is your cell phone (and strollers beep a lot too).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Could there be a security tag on your bra? If you've gone through all your clothes and you're still beeping, that's the only thing I can think of. Except maybe a wallet too. I'd check any of your newer purchases just to double check everything. That sucks though. I know it's happened to all of us at one point, but to have it keep happening would get really old.
Oh my gosh-I didn't even think of that! Come to think of it the bra I was wearing yesterday was from the Gap (and the use the same damn sensors!)....I will check and see if that is what it is!
I don't beep in stores but I go to courthouses and federal buildings a lot and I ALWAYS beep at the metal detectors. I'm so used to it by now that I just put my bag through the conveyer belt, walk through the detector, here the beep, and walk to the side with my hands up so they can start the wanding process quicker.
The only thing to do now is just laugh. I'm just assuming my spleen is made of metal or something. There's no reasonable explanation other than that.
Ohhhhh---how I hate that, b/c EVERYONE turns to look at you! I just beeped the other day, I think leaving Ross, and they left the dang metal detector/security tag (or whatever it's called) on there, BUT STILL!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I hate it too! I been beeping in stores and at airports since I was in HS. I can even rember the first time how it got started. Me and my friends were shopping. For some reason I was beeping in every store. Since we were kids, people in the store thought I stolen something. I got search by somebody in every store that day. Nothing on my body or in my bag. Final some smart guy in Canal Jeans (a store in NYC) told me to lift my foot up. I had a security sticker on the sole of my shoe! Ever since then I been beeping. Don't know why. My friends still tell to me lift my foot up everytime I beep in a store.
The security card that gives me access to my office building definitely causes me to set security systems off in some places. So, it isn't always a security tag, there are other items you might have in your bag that set the system off.
I've heard that cell phones can sometimes cause entry security systems to beep. I'm not sure if it is true or not.
I beeped everywhere I went for months before, and I couldn't figure out why. The people in the stores would always say that it must have been my cell phone. It turned out to be the perfume that I had in my bag... I kept it in the box (it was a glass bottle, and I was paranoid that it would break) and there was a censor on the inside of it. I learned a lot about which stores pay attention to the beeping; like, I found out that in my Banana Republic, they don't fool around. The thing beeps; someone by the door grabs the bag and hands it to someone else who walks it to the register; the person at the register checks for tags and hands it back to the messenger, who hands it to the person by the door, who apologizes profusely for the inconvenience. But in my Express, they'd always say "you're all set, go ahead" whether I bought anything or not.
For my HS senior class trip, we went on a cruise and we had to fly down to Miami. My whole class went through security at the airport just fine, except me and a couple of boys. It kept going off as I went through... I had to take off my shoes, my jacket, and my sweater (going from New England to Florida in March you have to dress in layers ). Then they wanded me, and there were still problems. They ended up figuring that the problem was the belly ring I had at the time. Funny thing was, though, that probably half of the girls in my class had one but I was the only one who beeped.
I had this happen to me yesterday! It was so embarassing! I figured out that it was something on me (I think a pair of bermudas from Gap) because my purse didn't make noise on its own. I beeped going into all the stores so I think the people were more sympathetic to me. What sort of tag should I be looking for?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
this happened to me all the time at BR when i lived in the states - especially right before i left! Their sensors are really sensitive and they would even go off when i had stuff from other stores in my bag. then they treat you like a criminal and look at you all suspiciously, and then of course once you are profusely explaining yourself you look even more suspect. they need to improve their security system somehow.