Okay I know cell phones are a necessity for alot of people but in the restroom stall . I was waiting to use the restroom at a restaurant it only two stalls and they both were in use. Now I had to go super bad and I was doing the dance hoping to get some relief soon. Then low and behold the lady's cell phone rang and she starting talking I just wanted to scream "get the f*** off the phone and let someone use the restroom" I feel better now
omg people did that all the time at my sorority house. They'd be on the cordless and just walk into the stall and proceed to do their business along with continuing the conversation. I always thought WTF?
OMG, that happened to me this weekend too. We were in Las Vegas at the Flamingo Hilton attending a wedding/reception. I was in the bathroom in the middle stall, my sister was to my left and to my right was a banquet employee, I'm assuming some type of supervisor. The phone rings while she's ON THE POT, and she says "Banquets, this is Karen. How may I help you?". Pause... "No, he's not near this phone right now, may I take a message?"!!! My sister and I were laughing sooo hard. My sis flushed her toilet right in the middle of the ladies conversation. My husband said I should have made really loud farting noises!
Can you believe that? Who conducts business AT WORK on a PUBLIC TOILET???
you ladies crack me up When I have to go I just want to do my business and get the hell out of there. Cricket I love your husbands idea I may have to try that next time
well I came back to say maybe not that is not very lady like
People at my job do this too. Why would you think it was ok to talk on your cell phone not just in a public restroom but while you are using it? I think that person can wait just a couple of minutes.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
omg - I hate when people do that! I have a strict rule about no talking on the pot. If I have to go and I'm on the phone, I'll tell people I'll call them back in 1.5 to 2 minutes. Ugh - gross!
let me start by saying i will never, ever be on my cell while using a public restroom.
i do talk to people on the phone while using my own bathroom. not everyone, of course, just the bf and one or two close friends, really. i figure if i can pee in front of them in person, i can pee while i'm on the phone with them. but it stops with pee. (tmi? probably...)
i hope you don't all think i'm gross now!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
Hermione wrote: i my best friend always goes in and dumps her purse on the floor and i'm like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gross gross gross gross
OMG - that would completely freak me out! I am always looking for a hook or somewhere to put my purse so it touches as little as possible in the bathroom....
On a different note, now that I am working from home I really have no option except to bring the phone to the potty with me if I have to go. But if it rings i don't hang out there talking, I get out quickly because 1) i usually need the computer to answer questions & 2) I am scared they will somehow know i'm in the bathroom. So I'm a person that would answer in the bathroom but in Cricket's story I seriously wonder how in the world she was going to take a message -did she bring a pen & paper with her too???
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad