i run an afterschool program. i started last september & completed one session, then signed on to run another session. the last session ended in march & last week the coordinator emailed me about continuing for the next two sessions. i don't want to for a number of reasons, which i kind of told him about. so i get this response this afternoon and i am kind of put off by it. i also really don't want to commit b/c last time it was like oh can you do it until we find someone to help out (it's a weekly commitment).
this is the chain of emails. most recent one first. the coord. emails are in bold, my response is in italics.
what do i do
I can't say that is news I was looking forward to hearing. So, you won't be able to TL either session? Being that it is such a short time frame before the next seeion starts (5/4), I ask that you continue to TL, until we hire your replacement. Do you have anyone in the ranks of the volunteers that you could nominate to attend TL training and take over?
Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been away. I don't think I can continue as Team Leader, since I will be away for most of the summer. I will email the volunteers to see who's returning and add them to the list. It has been a pleasure working with you.
I just got off the phone with (blah, blah, blah) about planning for summer (program names) dates. If you are still in, the following are the next 2 sessions dates: 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/15 and 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24.
Were there any volunteers that wanted to continue? If so, please add them to the roster as soon as you have a chance. I would like to give the veterans a chance to be in the program prior to opening up the registration to the public. Either way, please tell me, so I know when to open up the registration.
yeah that response (of his) sucks. i might say something like:
dear so-and-so,
I'm sorry that you feel this is short notice, but as I hadn't committed to anything but the sessions I've already completed, I'm sure three weeks is plenty of time to find another volunteer. As I've said, I won't be able to commit to anything further because of my impending schedule. Best of luck with the program this summer!
Ummm, why did he even bother asking you if you are 'still in' if he was just going to demand that you continue anyway? I find that quite disrespectful, myself.
Plus, there is almost a month before the nest session starts, so surely there is someone else that could take over? Maybe even two people together? Certainly you're not the only person who can run this program! I mean that nicely, of course, since it's more about inconveniencing him than anything else.
I'd be firm and reiterate what you already said - that you regret that you will not be able to continue because of travel, prior commitments, etc.
You never said you'd do this forever, and if it was going to be such a problem if you did stop he should have asked if you were 'still in' back when he would have found it easier to find a replacement.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'd do as Hermione and Elle suggested, be polite but firm. I'd also assure him that you can recommend someone within the volunteer ranks to take your positions well before the next session starts (or two people as Elle suggested).
Geez, whatever dude. It's more than a 2 week notice. Get over it already.
I think the best way to handle someone who is trying to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do is to keep repeating the same thing over and over. If you give another excuse, they will come up with another argument, to which you will need to respond with another excuse, and so on and so on. So, I would just respond saying the exact same thing (in a slightly different way) you originally said:
Due to being away most of the summer, I cannot commit to being the Team Leader, even for a few weeks. Thanks for providing me with the dates. They will be useful when I e-mail the volunteers.
i think maat has the right idea. just drill it over and over.. he's obviously using the same tatic to guilt you into staying on.
just put yourself first.. i wouldn't even bother going nuts or doing too much to try to ask other people if they could take on extra weeks. that's not your responsibility.