I'm not sure where this discussion should go, so I'm posting here...
My best friend from college (A) told me today that one of her best friends from high school died over the weekend. No accident or long-term sickness, she had an aneurysm. I never met her, but I've heard about her for years, and how close they were in school and still were. The past few years have been hard for A, as she's been long distance with her boyfriend and not really among people she was close to as she finished up her masters. She has one friend in the city where she is now.
I would like to send A some kind of care package so that it's waiting for her when she gets back from being home for the funeral. Any ideas for what to put in it? I was thinking about hand cream and shower things because she loves that stuff. I'm just so sad for her, and saddened that this person our age died so suddenly, I just want to do something to at least bring a bright spot to her day.
How about some non-perishable food items, too? A friend once sent me a care package that included some spa stuff and some food things when I was studying for the bar. I loved the spa stuff but I really appreciated the foodstuffs because god knows I wasn't interested in shopping for food then.
Hmm...while I like the idea of doing something nice for her, I don't know how I feel about bath stuff. It almost seems like it's too "light" for the gravity of losing a good friend. How about maybe flowers and a donation to a charity in honor of the friend? Like if you know she was into animals, maybe an animal shelter or a non-profit sports camp if she was into that sort of thing.
i had a period when i was in college when i lost friends kind of back to back. the best "gift" i got was flowers.
i know this may sound stupid, but gourmet food and luxurious bath items didn't seem important after my friends' deaths.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Hmm...while I like the idea of doing something nice for her, I don't know how I feel about bath stuff. It almost seems like it's too "light" for the gravity of losing a good friend. How about maybe flowers and a donation to a charity in honor of the friend? Like if you know she was into animals, maybe an animal shelter or a non-profit sports camp if she was into that sort of thing.
I like this idea. It seems a lot more thoughtful and personal.
Yeah...I didn't know if the stuff I was thinking of was too "light." I just want to do *something* but I wanted to get some feedback. Thanks so much for the suggestions, everyone.
I know her friend did social work, and spent two years in Alaska working with Native Americans. Donating something to an organization that would help people sounds like the right way to commemorate her friend's life.
is there any way you could go visit her? how far away does she live?
This past winter two people very dear to me died within a month, and it was a horribly hard time for my family. I didn't tell a whole lot of people because I didn't really know how to just call someone and say, "console me, I'm going through a hard time" but I would've given anything just to have someone show up for me
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I think everyone grieves differently so it depends on the type of person your friend is. I know when my grandma died I prefered bubble baths to try and perk myself up when i cried and chocolate chip cookies people made for my family. I honestly had no clue who donated to her charity nor did I care at the time (this is just me I know everyone is different and your friend might care more than I). Basically it is just dependant on what your friend would appreciate and value from you.
I like the flowers too, and maybe a special book of some sort (if you have the time to spend looking).
All of these suggestions are great and really sweet but I like this idea the best-- I think it's very thoughtful given the situation (JMO though). maybe get her a good book on grief or a lighthearted book to take her mind off of things.
i like the idea of flowers, but sometimes the best thing to do in this kind of situation is to just be there for her and try to be normal... i guess when everyone is always asking, "how are you doing?" "how are you feeling" it can sometimes be too much. sometimes a sense of everyday normal things is really important.
dot i like the idea of flowers, but sometimes the best thing to do in this kind of situation is to just be there for her and try to be normal... i guess when everyone is always asking, "how are you doing?" "how are you feeling" it can sometimes be too much. sometimes a sense of everyday normal things is really important.
This is how I felt when I lost someone close to me, I did not want alot of people hovering over me. They gave me my space but was always there if I needed them. However everyone is different. I also had my son to take care of and this helped by keeping me busy.
It's true, everyone does go through these things differently. She said yesterday that she didn't know how to feel, and sometimes was crying, other times overcome with anger at how unfair it is.
ttara, I'm going to see her in May. She's currently living in a city about 45 minutes from where I grew up, so I invited her to come stay at my parents for a weekend when I come down for a visit, or I could come to her. I think she's lonely in her city and welcomes the idea of being in someone's house and getting looked after for a little while.
I think what I'll do is donate to a charity in her friend's name, and also send her a care package. We used to eat Cheez-Its all the time in college, so I'll put that in as kind of the "fun" thing, and also a book and some other stuff. We both love David Sedaris, so hopefully I can pick a book by him she doesn't already own.
Thanks for all the ideas, everyone. This is such a supportive group of women.
i'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss, how incredibly tragic. i think you're being a wonderful friend and i love the idea of giving her a little tlc at your parents' and a care package in the meantime. ((((((((hugs to you))))))) ((((((((((hugs to pass on to her)))))))