i stuck to the ban with one small exception. i sold a bunch of old stuff on ebay and made about $200, so i used $12.99 of that to bid on a dress that i had been stalking for a while. the rest of the $$ (minus shipping and seller fees) went straight into savings.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I did ok. Would have been perfect, but DH really wanted to go to Marshall's. Of course I found a really cute dress that I needed- but it was only $16 and I've already found about a half dozen ways to wear it so I know I'll get my money's worth.
Hey smash--you did great! Congrats. I, on the other hand, didn't fare so well this weekend. Let me preface my stating that I had a terrible week--I found out some surprising news that is causing us a lot of stress and I've had a lot of "issues" with one friend and two family members lately (all separate issues, all being rude or unreasonable or unsupportive IMO). Having said that, I have to confess that I spent about $260 this weekend on clothes. I bought 4 James Perse t-shirts, 1 pr of JP pants (all super comfy, great for hanging out and stuff that I needed), and 2 cute going out tops at the boutique where I work as a fill-in on weekends. I am going to be quitting soon (will tell them today), so I had to take advantage of my discount and stock up on basics. Anyway, that's my justification.
So i need you guys to keep me accountable and don't let me buy anything this week except the steve madden flats i want and some shoes to wear on Easter. I'm anxious to see how everyone else did.
Smash - I'm so proud of you!!! Alb, don't feel bad, I fell slightly off the wagon last week - it's hard!
I did really well. I went shopping w/my friend yesterday on Michigan Ave. and I didn't buy one thing! I'm so proud of myself. I barely even looked, and to be honest, it wasn't that hard.
I did great! We did buy Narnia DVD at Walmart but I also have a $20 a week allowance, so that could count for that. But DH insisted so that is also a "loophole" kind of!
Now for "non-shopping" spending I'm kind of out of control. I registered for a knitting class/ convention deal with my part of our tax refund so that was $250. And today I'm going to buy a set of knitting needles that are $50 but really will save me money in the long run. And I have ebay money so.....I also booked our tickets for New York at Thanksgiving $574, so I really spent a wad this week!
Today is a different story... I have to return things to Nordstrom, Target, & Penneys so I need some support today. I don't think I've ever gone to Target & not bought something. Maybe I'll have the strength to go to the customer service counter & then leave....ugh
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I was really good, imo. I had about $40 cash in my wallet as my weekly allowance and I only whipped out my check card once to buy a couple of candles at Pier 1 (I was just refilling, so it doesn't really count). I bought an 3 outdoor rugs at Home Depot yesterday (only $25 for 3!!) and the boy split it with me AND I've budgeted for it, so it's cool.
Also my friend and I went to Sephora and Ulta Saturday and I didn't purchase one single thing. It wasn't really hard either. But that's also because my friend was spending a ton of money so I was living vicariously. She looked hot after all her Sephora purchases, too!
So new week, new $40. Hopefully this week will go as well. I'm planning on making dinner for friends Friday or Saturday night and only have about $20 to do it with, so here's to hoping! I'll get the boy to supply the wine...
I did a little bit of shopping this weekend (first time in like a month!), but I didn't charge anything. That's the new rule I'm sticking to for awhile. Wish me luck!
So proud of you girls you all did great. I bought some shoes but they are comfortable and perfect for spring/summer. I also have been thinking I need to add a few things to my list.These have been on my basic wish list for some time.
A pair of black pointy flats. I really like the gap ones and my target ones are getting worn out
Bathing suit mine is seven yers old I really want to find one this year
I didn't buy any clothing, but did buy some tabloids. Those are undoubtedly my biggest weakness & I caved. Other than that, I did ok & only did some grocery shopping.
I did fairly well. I just bought a shirt on ebay for $23 shipped and I bought some sunscreen and other essential from walmart for $50 since I don't have access to walmart and I stopped by one on my weekend trip.
This week though I have 3 days off and I need some work clothes for this summer so I'm going to hit up the outlet mall and buy work clothes only.
I did well. I worked out both days this weekend and ended up not having any time to shop with BF for his new work wardrobe so no temptation there.
I got my nails done at a nail place around the corner. It was $24 but my feet needed to be done so badly.
I went to the mall with a friend of mine...so horrible. She got some things from Lancome and got two GWPs so she gave one to me. I'm happy to have a new Definicils mascara for free.
I didn't even cave at the Clarins counter after trying on some GREAT foundation and powder (and Express Compact Foundation, but I could just use my Stila IPF in place of the ECF and get the same results for $15 less)...it's around the most coverage I've ever been able to achieve with such a light formula.
Ok, so I left Target without buying anything except Easter cards which I "needed" & I brought back about $120 worth of stuff between me & some Walmart stuff DH bought & didn't need to install my new stereo. And I bought my needles with a GC from Christmas so that doesn't count at all. YAY for me! I'm so proud
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
You know, even though I stuck to my ban, I still spent a crapload: $50 on groceries, $30 in prescriptions, $60 on dog food and $50 on dinners for two nights. Then I spent $100 for a passport today. All of it was completely necessary, though. Boooo.
I did borrow some books from my dad instead of ordering from Amazon like I wanted to.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I haven't bought anything but necessities since the start of April, and no shopping withdrawls yet. It has really helped to just delete e-mails from Bluefly, American Eagle, Zappos, Macys, etc. I get so many each day and if I don't read them, I won't find something I have to have!
Also I am keeping myself busy. When I get bored, I want to go shopping. So I have been keeping the house super tidy and then I am too tired to leave the house!