Basically, yes. You can also get a cashiers check through your bank, so the funds could come from your account. They need to be 'collected funds' - that is funds that are available for immediate withdrawl. Hope this helps.
I just got a money order at the post office a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure about it beforehand, either, but you can pay for it with either cash or a debit card. A credit card doesn't work - I did try that first. HTH!
Everywhere I've worked that sold them it had to be cash. A debit card is essentially the same as cash so you should be able to use that too. You can buy it at your bank and they will withdraw it from your account (which is the same as cash). Banks usually charge a higher fee for them (here around $4). Unless you have some kind of "club" account where you pay an annual fee but in return get free money orders- this is usually a seniors type account. Your local grocery store usually has them for the lowest fee (here $0.39). Convience stores usually sell them too (here $1.00). You can buy at a local check cashing place or as someone already mentioned the post office and I can't remember how much either of them charge.
-- Edited by luckyclover at 16:31, 2006-04-08
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."