Our weather is yucky too. It's not too bad, but it's just grey out and I want some sunshine!!! I have work to do, but like you all I JUST DON'T WANNA!!! Oh, and I have a whopping $10 in my account until payday. Which is next week. Yuck. And I have house guests right now, which is fine and all, but I just don't feel in the mood for entertaining. I just kinda want to lay on the couch and watch dvds and not have to show people around.
Your skirt should arrive today, if that cheers you up at all! It'd probably be more exciting if it was actually warm enough to wear it though .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm so stressed up and depressed about BF trying to find another job and getting the run around that I've been a total crabby bitch lately and I can't sleep at night. I don't think there's been a single night that I've gotten to sleep before 1am. Then I come to work and I'm super tired and falling asleep at my desk I wish I was the type of person that didn't worry and think what if all the time.
Because of all the stress and lack of sleep, my skin looks like total shit. Last week, I had too many zits for my liking..it is starting to clear again thank god.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I've totally been meaning to tell you Elle, I got my skirt on Wednesday! I kept forgetting to pm you. Thank you! It's PERFECT. And you should be having something in your mailbox soon too.
YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so glad you got it and it fits! Not too often the post office is faster than they say!
Sneaky, sneaky girl sending me something back!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm also really blah today too! Uggh. I lost my credit card on wednesday, hubby isn't pleased and it's his birthday. I've spent so much time today calling places and looking for it. I'll continue to look at home but it just sucks. I'm at work and I don't feel like doing anything. I need to work on my cases so they will be current before I leave, but I DON'T WANNA.
All I want to do is go home and go to bed, actually. I'm exhausted.
Thank all you girls for wallowing with me!!! Update on my crappy Friday of I DON'T WANNA:
Turns out that we might not have to go to the shithole bar because now they want to go to some bar/go cart place and my hubby said no cause we can't afford it. (which we really can't but I am smiling inside because I don't have to go out tonight!!)
My breaks on my car broke so fixing that is taking priority over hubby and my dad grouting the tile we just put in our kitchen so I have been without an oven for a week and I really didn't realize how much we cook on it till I was without it.
I am really happy about my promotion and not having to be the receptionist anymore, but the girl they hired seems underqualified and I am pissed because now instead of taking the time to teach her to do something which I don't really have time to do, I am doing it myself.
Count me in, my curse is here and she is a few days earlyI don't want to go to work and Iam thinking about calling in but I most likley wont. Also my husband sprayed some kind of weed killer in the flower beds but now my plants are dying- I want to screameverytime I look out the window I get sick to my stomach
A couple years ago I decided to spray some non-deadly spray on my plants. Hubby had the sprayer marked accordingly so I did it myself. A few days later EVERYTHING died. So he tells me 'oh that was Roundup'. Now if that would have been me!!! Sometimes they are all dumb asses... I can so relate. So sorry...
oh i'll definitely join! i got my yearly review yesterday and am not getting a bonus, because we didn't meet our sales number this year... so that means no honeymoon.
oh i'll definitely join! i got my yearly review yesterday and am not getting a bonus, because we didn't meet our sales number this year... so that means no honeymoon. i told Vin we're going to Jamaica for our HM. Jamaica, Queens.
Oh no! That sucks sooo much. Maybe you can postpone the honeymoon a little bit so you'll have the funds? I bet you'd be too tired immediately after the wedding to really enjoy it anyway. Ugh. I'm so sorry, karina! It's not like YOU'RE the one who didn't meet the sales goal. So. Unfair.