I guess I wouldn't call this a pity party, but I am just looking for anyone who wants to share in my Friday blah-ness with me today.
It's my "time" today and I am soooo moody that I either feel like crying or sreaming at anyone for no reason. It is raining and dark and cold. What I really want to do is go home after work and get into my biggest pj's and go to bed but my husband has a good friend who met some girl in Florida and now they are "dating" and she came to visit him this weekend. He wants us to meet her, all well and good. However, I thought we were going to have a nice quiet dinner somewhere. Not quite. This friend is somewhat of a closet cowboy/hick so his idea of a good time is going to some shit hole bar in some dirty town and "rocking it like rockstars" as he so eloquently put it to my husband on the phone. I believe you can all sense my excitement. Then I have a wedding shower tomorrow and a baby shower sunday so both days I have to get my bloated ass into something cute and be cheery and ohh and ahh at all the gifts. I DON'T WANNA!!!!!!
I'm kinda bummed 'cause FH left for his interview this morning and will be gone for 5 days. And the weather is nasty here today - snow/slush/rain whateverness. I'm just kinda all around bored, even though there are a number of things I could and there are things that I need to do.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
The weather is totally rainy, shitty, and cold here. Plus, I heard the temp is supposed to drop into the 30's - this is Spring?
The BF went on an interview on Monday and we thought it went GREAT, but he hasn't heard back yet...granted, she said she had to talk to her boss to get final ok and all that, but it's frustrating and we are starting to worry
I have been so moody lately. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm crabby or sad. I think it's just that there's a lot of stuff going on right now...BF trying to find a new job, me being bored at my job, the weather, etc, but I hate feeling like this.
I am so bored at my job lately, I have work to do, but I JUST DON'T WANNA!
I hate rainy Fridays and I am soooooo not in the mood to work today. And it's supposed to rain tomorrow too I am such a slave to the weather, I can't wait to move somewhere with more than two nice days a month.
1. The boy I posted about in dating a week or so ago -- he dumped me. Okay, it was pretty mutual and we had a nice grown-up talk about it, blah blah. But still.
2. It's freaking cold here today. After weeks of sunshine -- rain. Just to make me more miserable.
3. I have a horrible cold. My voice sounds like a chipmunk.
4. I'm eating pastry and a mocha for breakfast. Moooooooooo.
5. My mother keeps calling and emailing me b/c I'm sick, and I don't want to talk to *anyone* because I'm grumpy, so now I feel like a bad daughter.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I'll join I'm kinda bummed 'cause FH left for his interview this morning and will be gone for 5 days. And the weather is nasty here today - snow/slush/rain whateverness. I'm just kinda all around bored, even though there are a number of things I could and there are things that I need to do. I JUST DON'T WANNA!
Yeah - this weather? Lame.
Anyway, I hope the interview goes well, too. Even though it means moving, it's a good thing, right?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Anyway, I hope the interview goes well, too. Even though it means moving, it's a good thing, right?
A big middle finger salute to the weather today. I'll tell ya, that drive to the airport was fun . And a big middle finger salute to the boy who dumped you too! Harumph!
He is the best. interviewee. in. the. world. It's totally ridiculous. But he only has a year of experience right now, so if someone comes in with more experience and they like them just as much, he's probably SOL. If he gets it, it will mean moving, but we'll be back with our families and can move our house-buying plans (and possibly baby plans ) up. If we stay, that's good too 'cause we like it here and the benefits at his job now are to die for. Win/win situation .
Thanks for your well-wishes too, JJ.
-- Edited by Elle at 11:37, 2006-04-07
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Count me in, my curse is here and she is a few days earlyI don't want to go to work and Iam thinking about calling in but I most likley wont. Also my husband sprayed some kind of weed killer in the flower beds but now my plants are dying- I want to screameverytime I look out the window I get sick to my stomach
Poptart - that sucks about the boy. Dating, eh? I hope you feel better soon.
I don't really have a case of the blahs and the weather here is perfect so there isn't a lot to complain about but, I have a report due at noon so I need to be working on it but I DON'T WANNA!!!!
1. My check today, for the final maternity leave, SUCKED! WAY less than we expected... 2. Madeline has her 2 month appointment today and she has to get SHOTS. 3. The weather is poopy here too. 4. Hubby was sick this morning and left in a bad mood, which always ruins my day too.
ooh boy. 1)work sucks- my boss is in a meeting right now and I KNOW shes going to come back and tell me I have to play assistant to yet another person who isn't in our department. I'm tired of her pimping me out, and am seriously considering quitting on the spot and walking out if she tries to pull that. 2) I found an awesome job in NY. A-MAZING. I'll send in my resume, but it's kind of pointless since the earliest I would be able to relocate is September. 3) I have been constipated all week (tmi) but am afraid to do anything about it casue I took a laxative once and had stomach pains so bad that I thought I was going to die.
3) I have been constipated all week (tmi) but am afraid to do anything about it casue I took a laxative once and had stomach pains so bad that I thought I was going to die.
Been there! I usually take a fibercon (the big pill) or fiberone or whatever it's called instead of a laxative. It'll keep you regular for days and it'll definitely get stuff moving without the pain of a laxative. Just don't take it all the time because your system will get used to it and it won't work anymore. Every once in awhile when things are a little slower than normal should be good enough.
Btw, fiber talks are NEVER tmi. My friends and I have seriously spent a whole girls' night dedicated to the subject. Yeah, we're wicked cool like that.
I have to many changes going on right now in my life and I am not good at change, so my body is all out of wack, which isn't good because it stresses me out even more. So yeah my big compliant is that i am more stressed than i have ever been in my life.
ok, i am going to join in.. Jack finally fell back asleepp at about 9am and i started to take a nap...my office called and needed me to send them some files...like I have the time or energy. I hate wearing clothes...my maternity clothes are too baggy, but real clothes are kinda tight...I have lost 22 lbs...16 to go... I am sure this is too much info...sorry..But I am not producing alot of milk and I am worried that i wll not have enough for him.... I need cofee...
ok, i am going to join in.. Jack finally fell back asleepp at about 9am and i started to take a nap...my office called and needed me to send them some files...like I have the time or energy. I hate wearing clothes...my maternity clothes are too baggy, but real clothes are kinda tight...I have lost 22 lbs...16 to go... I am sure this is too much info...sorry..But I am not producing alot of milk and I am worried that i wll not have enough for him.... I need cofee...
Poor rlutz! There are things that can be done about the supply ... not sure about the clothing situation, but we could probably hire someone to cut the phones lines at your work .... .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Our weather is yucky too. It's not too bad, but it's just grey out and I want some sunshine!!!
I have work to do, but like you all I JUST DON'T WANNA!!!
Oh, and I have a whopping $10 in my account until payday. Which is next week. Yuck.
And I have house guests right now, which is fine and all, but I just don't feel in the mood for entertaining. I just kinda want to lay on the couch and watch dvds and not have to show people around.