Just curious. During the week, I get up around 7 for work so that is no problem. But she is waking up on her own at 7 or 730 on the weekends, and I can't get her back to sleep or to quiet down! I have tried feeding her and then leaving her in her enclosed space, but she freaks out and cries b/c she wants to play. Is this just a puppy thing or should I get used to never sleeping in? I normally value my weekend mornings for some sleep catch-up! TIA!
I think every dog is different, kind of like every baby is different. But I have one that's almost 2. He gets up and scratches at the door at 7:00am on the weekends. Every Sat. and Sunday. We'll let him out and make him come back in the bedroom. We go back to sleep and he'll grab his bone or toy and lay on the floor and chew for awhile. If we don't get up and act active, he usually lays back down too.
They thrive on routine - she's all programmed to be ready to wake up around 7, so she expects it and then doesn't understand why some days are different than others. As she gets older she'll calm down a bit, and then you'll also be able to just let her out in the morning and let her roam the house if you want to sleep a little longer.
If you'd like, you could also try getting her a new toy (maybe a bone made for small dogs) and giving her that on the weekend mornings only. Then the extra cage time is a 'treat'.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Dogs are a lot like toddlers in that they are really into their schedules. If you ignore the whining, she'll learn to calm down and let you sleep in a bit. She's still pretty young tho, so it might take some more time. As she gets older, she will learn to entertain herself a bit more. Make sure she gets a chance to go out and pee and the normal time, then give her something that might entertain her for a bit, an ice cube or a stuffed kong should work well, when you go back to the bed.
I was going to say the same thing as lillykind a stuffed kong usually does the trick freeze one with a bit of puppy peanut butter (you can buy at petco) and give it to her, that should keep her busy for a while. She'll also eventually grow out of it. My pup is 10 months now and on the weekend he typically sleeps until about 8 AM gets up to pee and then falls back asleep in bed with us.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Collette wrote: I was going to say the same thing as lillykind a stuffed kong usually does the trick freeze one with a bit of puppy peanut butter (you can buy at petco) and give it to her, that should keep her busy for a while. She'll also eventually grow out of it. My pup is 10 months now and on the weekend he typically sleeps until about 8 AM gets up to pee and then falls back asleep in bed with us.
I was going to say the same thing, a kong full of peanut butter is a busy pup for hours!!
I don't think schedule is as much to do w/ it as age.
My dogs do not have a schedule at all. On the weekends they may get up anywhere between 7 and 9. On weekdays sometimes my parents may work early and other days they may not. They go to bed at different times on different nights. There schedule is really wacky and unpredictable, but they are able to sleep through the night and hardly ever wake any one up. They get up whenever everyone else does.
She will probably mellow out as she gets older.
Good luck.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
My dogs did the same thing until they were about 2. Some dogs grow out of it, some don't. My stepmom's dogs get her up at 5 a.m. every day. My dogs get up with my alarm (6 a.m.) every weekday. On the weekends, Sully gets up with whomever wakes up first (usually my husband); Halley is a lazybones and she sleeps in all morning with me.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde