OMG what a blow, Carrie! I agree with everything the other ladies have said. In most cases being laid off turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Hang in there .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thank you for all of the support and thank you Detroit for taking the time to look up those positions and for the suggestions.
I'm really upset about this, but I do need to get it together because I NEED a job. I know today I'm going to apply at the hair salon, for the front desk. My stylist is the owner and he knows me and my bro pretty well, so he's offered to help if he can. Technically the front desk position is part time right now, but he said they were potentially looking into full time.
Hopefully the recruiting company will be able to give me some guidance with all of this as well..
Thanks again.....Now I know why I love this forum!
Carrie - have you checked into unemployment? It's not much, but it does help, and depending on how part time the hair salon gig is you might still be eligible for the benefits while you are working there until you find something else.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Carrie - have you checked into unemployment? It's not much, but it does help, and depending on how part time the hair salon gig is you might still be eligible for the benefits while you are working there until you find something else.
I haven't....yet. I had definitely planned on doing so if I hadn't found a job by the end of June. I'll have to look into it now though....Thanks..
Carrie, I'm so sorry sweetie - that is really terrible and I feel for you. Like all the other girls said, hang in there - you will find something better. (((((( hugs))))))
You say you don't have any marketable skills? That's crazy. You said you have people skills. That's killer in the business world. Do you know how many people can't list that legitimately on their resume? It's a big deal. Hopefully the recruiting company you work with can help you with your resume so you can turn all those "non-skills" into something/someone everyone wants to have work for them.
If you need help with a resume, I'll definitely help. It's a special talent I have, having recreated one so many times with professional help. And I know a lot of the women on here have similar resume glossing skills.
If you need help with a resume, I'll definitely help. It's a special talent I have, having recreated one so many times with professional help. And I know a lot of the women on here have similar resume glossing skills. Good luck!
I would actually appreciate that very much! I can't find my resume so I have to start from scratch again.....Do you know of any good websites where they show samples, etc?
I think with the skills thing I'm just depressed because I have generic skills (good I know, but....) and not a specific talent somewhere, like my bro being great at IT stuff.
Do you know of any good websites where they show samples, etc? I think with the skills thing I'm just depressed because I have generic skills (good I know, but....) and not a specific talent somewhere, like my bro being great at IT stuff.
I'll see what I can find but MSN Careers usually has some decent examples. A good place to look is on college's career dept. websites. For instance, my law school had examples (still does) of good legal resumes on their website. I assume other schools have similar things.
Oh, Carrie please dont be discouraged- you will be fine- just know this. The qualities you listed as work experience are all things that will be an asset to the right company- let them see these things in you. I know it sounds so cliche, but all things that seem first defeating, hold the potential for so much more. It was just time to end this era in your life- look forward to your next chapter- later you will see that you are much better off. This company does not value the people that hold it together- look for one that does. I will be thinking of you- and you know we are all here for you as a sounding board, for support, or anything else you may need. As you have stated-" Head Back, Arms Down, and Hold On!"
i'm sorry, but i have confidence that you will find something very shortly.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I am so sorry to hear about this...I am not sure if this will amke you feel any better, but I can relate...I gotdownsized from a job I loved..I didnot realy have many toher skiils since I had been focusing on tha my whole life, but in the end I eventually found the job I have today and I am much happier...I am sosorry this had to happen to you, but I do beleive everythig happens for a reason
I'm sorry Carrie. That is horrible what they did to you and your brother. Especially with all the hype they gave you about transferring to Indy. I can try to help you with your resume also. I can also send you a copy of mine if you would like to look it over. While you may not think you have very many skills I'd be willing to bet you do but just don't know how to word them into skills which is sometimes the problem I have.