My last day is at the end of June. This means that no, I'm no longer moving to Indy. I'm seriously sick to my stomach right now, as well as being horrified, pissed off, and ready to cry, all at the same time.
The reason? Because there's no work. Why is there no work? Because the sales team isn't selling shit.
I have no special skills either, making the job hunting harder. I have the general skills of people friendly, organizing skills, and a love of typing (don't know WPM).
I have no idea what to look for, since I honestly feel like a failure in the skills department.
I know as of right now that I'm going to use the recruiting company that my bro did (yay! he got a job), and I'm also going to apply at my hair salon, since my hair stylist loves me and my bro and will help out if necessary.
But otherwise, life sucks
I'm sorry, I had to vent, or whatever. I'm still in shock and unfortunately, decided to have a drink (or 3) tonight to get myself to sleep. I'm just devastated by this. This company sucks.....
I'm so sorry to hear that, Carrie. That sucks so bad! Things will turn around, though. You're young and smart. Luckily you know of a good recruiting company. I'm sure it won't take you long. Keep your chin up!
(((hugs))) I'm so sorry to hear this Carrie. At least you're out of the company that screwed your brother over. You don't want to work for people who will stoop that low. I know this will sound cheesy, but when one door closes, there's another door that will open. I'm sure the recruiting company you mentioned will be able to find you a job. Don't worry, things will work out and you'll be able to go forward with all the plans you made.
(((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Iam sorry to hear this but I agree with the others things will work out it. You are a strong,smart independent women and I know there is a job out there just waiting for you. Dont give up and we are always here when you need to vent.
Oh no, Carrie! That's awful!!! I'm so sorry to hear that!
The others are right--this will turn around and things are going to be okay. I'm sure you have tons of marketable skills and talents and you will find something that you really enjoy.
gosh, Carrie, I'm so sorry to hear that - I can imagine it's totally devistating. not only is it kind of like betrayal (with the new owners) but you were so looking forward to you new life in indy. it totally sucks to have the rug ripped out from under you and thrust into the unknown.
BUT - this is an opportunity. Don't you have a cartography background? something to do with maps? what about applying to google maps or mapquest? you love Cedar Point -what about a position in their corporate offices? you have a bachelor's degree right? maybe you want to go back to school for a masters in another area...
I know this sounds cheesy, but when a door closes, a window opens... and you are soooooooooooo young - the world is your oyster and opportunity awaits
do you know anyone who can put in a good word for you at Cedar Fair? If working for an amusment co. sounds good to you, there are ways to be agressive and get noticed...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Carrie, I'm sorry to hear about the layoff. It's never a fun time. But I agree with detroit - often layoffs lead to much better places in our lives, though I'm sure that it's hard to think about that right now.
DH and I were laid off nearly six years ago - within two weeks of each other, and six months after we'd gotten married. Long story short - DH was out of work for nearly 18 months (mainly because we didn't want to move, and there wasn't much work available in his field where we lived), and we were flat broke by the time he did get another job (I'm glossing over a lot of details here). BUT it ultimately did turn out for the best, though I wouldn't have believed it at the time.
Hang in there - I know it can be scary - but I feel that you're going to come out on top of all this. *hugs*
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Why don't you look for a cool job in another city? You can start fresh.. completely! Nothing holding you back. Things will work out I know it.
And it could be worse.. This could have happened the week before you move or the week after you move. That would really be frustrating! I guess it is better to know now right?
I'm SO sorry Carrie! From someone that has been in a similar situation, I know it is horrible & it can shake your confidence, but I PROMISE - it will get better. Getting laid off turned out being one of the best things that ever happened to me - if not I wouldn't have pursued other things & would have probably stayed in a "comfortable" environment & ended up so unhappy in the long run. I know it sounds cheesey, but things will all work out. You'll be laughing your butt off in a few months & thanking your lucky stars that you aren't stuck there anymore.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
i am really sorry to hear about this but as others have mentioned, this may be a great opportunity for you to get where you really want to be. i know everyone here will be supporting you!