pink - actually, my doc brought up induction at my appt yesterday. i'm on the fence about an induction, though. i know every woman is different but i fear the really intense contractions i hear about from others who were induced/versus not being induced.
either way, if i don't go by my next appt, she is suggesting induction that week. (otherwise i have to go 2x weekly for NSTs and sonograms, which i am even less excited about than the actual induction!)
i haven't had false labor. just a lot of braxton hicks (or maybe that's what you mean?), but nothing that made me think i had to go to the hospital. they seem too random to try to sense a pattern.
la petite taco (before we knew the sex, we referred to the baby as taco)
This cracks me up - what if you slip & call the little princess taco? !!!!! We had some funny names for our girlies when they were little so I'm laughing.
awww poor mommy!!! go eat some fresh pineapple and DTD a LOT.. thats what started my labor 1/2 hr before i was supposed to go to the hosp. to get induced.
Awww...I remember those "overdue" days...not fun! You know what they say, I'm sure not what you want to hear but go have some "fun" with your hubby and maybe it will "stir something up"...but I KNOW how unappetizing that sounds right about now...
Sending good vibes your way! I hope she comes soon. I remember the waiting game as well but I was ready for my Dr. to induce labor I was two weeks late.
aww, when me and the dude started dating, we thought we'd nickname our first kid (hopefully a girl) "taco" because i had this crazy thing for taco bell fries (they had them a couple of years ago). im no where near being pregnant but i thought it was way cute that you nicknamed your little baby taco also!
Thanks for the update, erin. I didn't realize it was your due date already! I bet you'll go soon, if you're already having braxton hicks contractions. FWIW, i was induced b/c my water broke and it wasn't that bad! I remember being in my doc's office after my water broke and overhearing him tell the doc at the hospital to "start the Vitamin P" I asked if that was pitocin and he said it was. Good luck and please post pics or an update as soon as you're up to it!