whenever i'm trying to save money, i turn to these articles from MSN money. some are a few years old, but i just find that i am really able to relate to what the author is saying. so i just wanted to share a few with the other girls who are actively trying to save money.
also, i wanted to post my favorite line from a good money book that i read a while ago that has really stuck with me:
Never think or say "I can't afford that." Instead think or say "I choose to spend my money on other things."
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
thanks for the inspiration, smash. i'm going to print these out and read them tonight. i'm inspired by what you said you did in your other thread too (about getting off email mailing lists).
i love all the anti-shopping support we get here--it almost balances out all the "enabling" posts in the shopping section!
Thanks Smash! Those are great articles. I'm not on the ban, but I'm starting to reprioritize my finances--I feel like too much $ goes to stuff like clothes and other unneccessary incidentals every month and I really want to start saving for vacations. These articles definitely help.