I hoep this isn't going on in like, shopping and fashion though...
that would be funny....
identity 1: do you guys like this skirt?
identity 2 responds: yes, it's perfect for you
identity 3 responds: that skirt is hideous - you've certainly lost your mind.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I'm sorry but that is just stupid....what purpose does that serve..
but I guess I should be a little more tolerant ...so to each her own..
detroit wrote:
RyanJ wrote: detroit wrote: uh, yes, there are those who also post to themselves, too... alias' come in all shapes and sizes. So they ask a question under one name and answer it under another? yup
that would be funny.... identity 1: do you guys like this skirt? identity 2 responds: yes, it's perfect for you identity 3 responds: that skirt is hideous - you've certainly lost your mind.
lol i was just going to post something like that!
i guess if you need some enabling from an "outside" source, that's one way to go about it!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
some people seek attention and validation. often times I think it's in an effort for them to somehow show the forum that others have interest in them, and other members should have interest too, or that they are embarrassed that no one is responding to them, so they respond to themselves. I've also seen controversial posts in response to themselves to evoke reaction among other members so they'll come to their defense? I know it sounds silly, but people exist in their own little worlds... I'm no psychology major, but these are my theories.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
some people seek attention and validation. often times I think it's in an effort for them to somehow show the forum that others have interest in them, and other members should have interest too, or that they are embarrassed that no one is responding to them, so they respond to themselves. I've also seen controversial posts in response to themselves to evoke reaction among other members so they'll come to their defense? I know it sounds silly, but people exist in their own little worlds... I'm no psychology major, but these are my theories.
Positively fascinating! It's like 'The Secrets of ST' or something ...
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
LOL @ Elle. I am with Smash..I thought multiple identities was against the rules?
rules state:
"To maintain an atmosphere of integrity, do not register under more than one username. If it is determined that a user has registered with multiple identities, they may be banned or suspended."
So, it's up to me. If I feel I need it as an excuse to ban someone, then I'll use it, and I have. Again, as I told Smash, unless they are being a problem, I generally don't call people on it.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I can see the humor but I don't think it was always appropriate. That is hilarious though that people answer their own questions! Maybe a friend or family member signs in on the same computer? Tricky tricky.
this is the case with a couple of members, but they generally don't post to each other. but seriously - think about it -why wouldn't they just talk to each other in person or on the phone instead of posting to each other - especially when they're posting within minutes from the same computer?
-- Edited by detroit at 12:51, 2006-04-04
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
anyway, sandy, aren't you furious at your family for creating a name on your computer? i would be so mad, that means that not only are they playing tricks on you, but they must have been reading your posts on here (so nosy!) and someone is obviously mean-hearted to post about the one particular thing that they did. i hope you are moving soon!
ejc423 wrote: I can see the humor but I don't think it was always appropriate. That is hilarious though that people answer their own questions! Maybe a friend or family member signs in on the same computer? Tricky tricky. this is the case with a couple of members, but they generally don't post to each other. but seriously - think about it -why wouldn't they just talk to each other in person or on the phone instead of posting to each other - especially when they're posting within minutes from the same computer? -- Edited by detroit at 12:51, 2006-04-04
Hahaha, good point. But I can feel good about trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, right?
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Hermione wrote: detroit, maybe you should write an expose, or have an hour-long primetime special a la "a current affair." remember that?? Oh oh oh! E True Hollywood Story: Stylethread Truths Revealed!
I was just going to say.. We really need an E True Hollywood Story about us! Elle beat me to it!
some people seek attention and validation. often times I think it's in an effort for them to somehow show the forum that others have interest in them, and other members should have interest too, or that they are embarrassed that no one is responding to them, so they respond to themselves. I've also seen controversial posts in response to themselves to evoke reaction among other members so they'll come to their defense? I know it sounds silly, but people exist in their own little worlds... I'm no psychology major, but these are my theories.
This is hillarious/really sad. I had NO clue that people did this!!! How weird!!!
Anyway, with regards to the Billie Sue thing, I really didn't know what to make of it. At first I thought it was a real person, but then the whole marashino cherry thing last night made me think it wasn't and it was all just a joke. I didn't really find it terribly funny since it seemed to be in response to a few people's posts, but I wasn't really offended by it either. Just confused.
Wow, all of this was way over my head. I had to find out what was going on by clicking into Billy Sue's profile and reading her posts.
Anyway, Detroit, you must have a ton of fun with knowing all the shady business going on underground here at ST!
Do any of the top 20 poster's (as in number of posts) do this? I'm just wondering if it's members that don't post often or members we would all be familiar with... I know, I'm so nosey!
I thought it started out being funny but got rude. I can take a joke, I get it -but what I find offensive is that "Billie Sue" (who I knew was a fake persona of a regular poster, I also knew May is Kaykay's GM) is singling out a select few individuals and poking fun at them because they seem fit into a stereotype of a certain group of people. That is what is bothering me.
ETA: Anyway, I just think if you're going to tease someone, do it to someone who can take it. Tease us all you like, some of us have been around along time, I know some of you really well, I get it. Don't take it out on someone new or who seems a little clueless. And I hope you would be upfront about it and be yourself, admit to it- not hide behind a fake persona.
Do any of the top 20 poster's (as in number of posts) do this? I'm just wondering if it's members that don't post often or members we would all be familiar with... I know, I'm so nosey!
If you are then so am I! I'm curious to. I'm a top 20 poster (I think) and I've never done it. 1 down, 19 to go.
Drew wrote: Do any of the top 20 poster's (as in number of posts) do this? I'm just wondering if it's members that don't post often or members we would all be familiar with... I know, I'm so nosey! If you are then so am I! I'm curious to. I'm a top 20 poster (I think) and I've never done it. 1 down, 19 to go.
do you really think if someone has done it, they wouldn't deny it?
the people who have done it, know that they have done it. I probably shared more than I should - I don't want to turn this into a witch hunt.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase