Okay, so I feel kinda bad posting this just a couple threads above the one about the bride who died of cancer 5 days after her wedding. But I gotta do it, because, seriously! WTF is up with people?
Has anyone else been having bad/weird/ridiculous things happening to them lately? I've had 3 in as many days, so hopefully I've filled my quota.
1. The Invite Debacle of 2006. 'Nuff said.
2. Yesterday in Target I was berated by an employee for stepping over some invisible line in the dressing room area. FH was trying on a pair of pants and could not for the life of him get them to lay over his shoes in the back. I took one step (literally) from the cart-crowded 'public' dressing area through the doorway of the mens dressing area to fix it while he stood in front of the public mirror. Still in plain view of the dressing room attendant, all the other people who were waiting around for people, and a freaking main aisleway, the dressing room attendent starts yelling at the top of her lungs "Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss! Miss!". I turned around because I couldn't hear FH talking anymore and she made a huge production about how I had to baaaaaack awaaaaaay from the fitting room. For crying out loud it's not like we were f!cking in the dressing room or something! And for the love, please do not scream at me in the middle of a store in front of a bunch of other people like I am a naughty 7 year old! How embarassing!
3. The gas light came on in my car while I was running errands today. I stopped by the gas station to fill up. Put in my card ... punch in my pin ..(do you see where this is going?) ... declined. What?!? Try again ... declined. I can't run any more errands because I'm out of gas, and even if I wasn't I can't pay for anything because my card doesn't work! I'm all freaked out that someone got ahold of my card number and cleaned out the account and/or it's frozen for some reason. I get home and livechat the bank - no one's debit cards are working, possibly for weeks due to some glitch when they transferred service vendors. WTF?!
eta a funnier thread title
-- Edited by Elle at 19:36, 2006-04-03
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I have yet to have filled my quota......Something new everyday!
our guitarist backed out today
Invites screwed up 3 times, were late going out. Had to be mailed to me on vacation so I could promptly mail them to a calliagrapher in Atlanta...
Then my dress came in wrong- still haven't heard WTF is going on with that one,but I am not paying that amount of money to be screwed with so much. Supposedly can be fixed but I am still not sure why they thought someone even ordered it that way!!!! Ivory ribbon in a U under your bust with all that eyelet? I want my green ribbon that I have based my entire wedding around!
My shoes I ordered were damaged and they were the last pair...
Had to call one bridesmaid 5 times and send 4 e-mails to get her measurements for her dress to be made....
We are about to max out the room the reception is in because all of sudden guests are coming, and my parents added to their list....that means we have to rent a tent, the tent will go where the ceremony was supposed to be, so who knows where that will be...
Yeah for me! What is next? As long as my FI shows up then I am ok.
This is to make you feel better Elle, you are not alone in this let's see how screwed up your wedding and regular life can be! Maybe it is our curse since we both have waited so long to marry our SO...
Aw, Elle! I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. It is good you can laugh about it.
Here's my 3 things. Technically, they aren't my three things. They're the boy's three things but they're still icky.
Thursday night - gets food poisoning. Is sick all weekend. (I spent my weekend indoors taking care of him. Bright lining - saved $$$ with no shopping.)
Sunday night - he has an allergic reaction to some shrimp we ate, oddly. We spend the whole night up at the drug store, attempting to keep his face from swelling up and eating his head. And I stayed up all night watching him because he was having these weird body convulsions type thing. Very scary. (Silver lining - got to go in late to work on Monday morning for legitimate reasons.)
Today - the boy gets a call from a potential employer who previously declined to offer him a job in our city - in another city yes but our city no. Both of us thinks they call to offer him a job in our city but no. They thought he was interested in the other city even though he explicitly said no to the offer. Downer. I'm not sure what the bright side of this is, though. I'm sad for him because I know he's disappointed.
So not my three things but still - his week has been really crappy. God, I hope it's not contagious!