I am probably still too young to really understand but as of 17 I would say that my parents are in between great and okay. My dad has a great and reliable job that has helped us have a roof over our heads, food to eat and clothes. My mom used to stay home to take care of her four children then when I was old enough she began working again. It was enough to buy us clothes and give us money for lunch at school just not enough to pay the bills of the house and etc. And never once do I hear my dad complain about him having to pay the house by himself.
Even though they say we can go to them and talk about anything I feel like if I cant. I always end up going to friends to talk to them. I just feel like or I know that the conversation will end up with an argument. And i wish that I could go to them about anything and they will actually have some advice. Its easy for me to go to my dad about school problems beacuse he helps me out as much as he can. Like this past saturday he sat down with me to help me study for my anatomy test. My mom gets mad at me or just makes me feel like if I have been a big disappointment. yea I know I dont have all A's but Im not failing anything or 1 to 2 points away from failing.
So with me not being a "great" student I have been wanting to start working. Which just brings up more arguments with my mom because she says that I wont make it in school and balance a job. I dont want a job while in school but in the summer. She complains about having to buy everything for me and its not like I love to ask her for money. I just for one want to be able to go out and take the money out of my own pocket. how am I going to pay for my college? My dad says not to worry about that that is why he is here. My sisters and brother pay for their college so i dont think that is fair but fine. What about my car? I understand I have to pay for my car, i dont complain about that but how am I ever going to get one with out $$! Sometimes I feel like they tell us things that I would never tell my own children.
So I dont think they are perfect just because I odnt feel like I can go and talk to them about anything. There is so much more for me to say but i think i went far enough.
I had wonderful parents, and I try to remind myself of that whenever I am feeling sorry for myself for some other reason, because it's been the foundation of everything else in my life. My reasons echo what others have said: my parents were totally loving and totally supportive. They respected me and my individuality, they valued my thoughts and opinions and ideas, they trusted my good judgment and didn't hover overprotectively. They always encouraged me to pursue whatever I was interested in; they had no agenda of their own for me or my future. And they constantly backed me up with encouragement and praise. I always felt incredibly loved and incredibly valued. The only terrible thing is that my mother died when she was 49 and I was 13. I'll never get over feeling that both of us were horribly robbed.