My friend is having her bridal shower tomorrow at her grandparents' house in Maryland. I've known about it for weeks, but misplaced the invitation and then I've been out of town the past two weeks and haven't been able to call them until just now.
So, her grandfather answers the phone and is super rude to me! He says "You're just calling now??? My wife's already made all the reservations. You'll have to call her back after 7 tonight to talk to her and see if it's okay." Uhhhhhhhhh....what do I do now? First of all, my friend told me that there's a ton of food, so I know we're not going anywhere to eat. Do I just wait until 7 to call back, or should I call my friend (the bride) and ask her what I should do.
I feel awful because I should have done all this earlier. Ack!!! I'm terrible.
i'd call the bride. you're going, right? i can't believe her grandfather was rude! although, i guess i can, i talk to 582 old men at work every day and a lot of them are less than happy...
anyway, call your friend, see what she says, and take it from there.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I would call the bride and apalogize that you are so late in responding but you would still love to come and hope there is room for you. I would also call the grandmother since she is organizing and do the same. I know it was difficult for my mom with seating more so than food when it came to headcount for my shower. I'm sure the grandfather is just a grumpy old man and the grandmother will be happy to accomedate you.
Be sure to stop and say hello to her at the shower and thank her for making room for you! Then enjoy the shower!!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I just got off the phone with the bride and it's no biggie at all. One of our friends cancelled today, so I'm just going to take her place. And my friend said her grandmother's done all the work and her grandfather really just doesn't have a clue about what's going on.