Okay, so I need a bit of help. I've just been all over NC giving presentations to various sized groups, with no problem whatsoever. Tomorrow's presentation is our last one and we're expecting 250 people to show up. Yikes!!! I have no problem speaking to 10-100 people, but it's when it's 200+ that I start to feel all nervous and shaky and nauseous feeling. I think the problem isn't so much that I'm scared being up there because I know what I'm doing and I know I'll do fine, but I think it's more that I'm nervous of getting all nervous.
How do I combat this? I'm making myself notecards to fall back on just in case I totally blank out and forget what I'm supposed to say. Any other advice?
This is totally ridiculous because I've given this presentation 8 times this week and could probably do it in my sleep, but it's just looking at the crowd of people that size that really freaks me out.
Help!!! (Oh yeah, and I have to be there at 7:30 am tomorrow morning, so the sooner the help comes, the better.)
Honestly, just try not to think about it. I do that with all the stuff I'm afraid of doing (speaking in front of lots of people, needles, flying, etc). As soon as I start thinking about it, I start sweating and get shaky and just work myself up. Don't. Think. About. It.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
hey...i was gonna post some help but it seems you already did the speech cause duh, it's friday now. how did it go?
in the future, just in case: i always just think "it ain't gonna kill me" and then im fine. seriously...this is what gets me through life with a smile. if its not something that will kill me then what's the big deal? this is what gets me through talking in public, talking to boys (before the bf) in bars, walking in heels if i have to, hanging out with people i don't like...
if it's not gonna kill you then you might as well enjoy yourself. that's my basic philosophy on life.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Yup, I lived! It went really well too. I realized as I was driving to the site this morning that what I was most scared of was being nervous. I also realized that the only thing that was scary, was me--our members are great, I know the material like the back of my hand, and I generally don't have a problem speaking in front of people, but I was the one working myself up over the whole thing.
So anyway, I was kinda nervous when I first got up to speak, but then totally relaxed after that and was fine the rest of the presentation and actually enjoyed myself.