So, there is this house that i really want. It is sitting emtpy and has been for a while. There was a for sale sign for a few months around thanksgiving, but it is gone. I can't remember the name of the realty company that was on it. So, I called the county assessor to find out who owns the property. I have a name. So, I googled the name, and I think I found the person. Would it be crazy to call them up? Will I come across as super psycho? I have a feeling that being approached like that might drive the price of the house up. What are your thoughts?
I hope it's not crazy, because we did it once! Same situation, house was empty and for sale, then the sign was gone and the house still sat empty. We found the owners through the city and contacted them. Seems the owner died and his/her children were contesting the will. Nothing could be done w/ the house until everything was settled with the will. That was four years ago, and it's still sitting empty
I don't think its crazy. I could be that when it was on the market they weren't getting any offers so they took it off. Sometimes it makes people not want to look at a house if it has been listed for too long. They may be planning to relist. This could be the motivation they need to sell it now. They may also be willing to give you a better price because they won't have to deal with realtors/showing it and stuff.