i don't think it's silly...if you wanted kids and he didn't, that would be a "legitimate" dealbreaker, right? so why not a dog?
i think that if it's meant to be with him, then he'll compromise on the dog issue. but you have to make it clear before you accept that you will absolutely not back down about having a dog. if he really is against it, maybe he's not the one...i know that if it were me, and we did move in/get married/whatever, i'd always resent not being able to have a dog - especially once we had kids.
so...i don't think you're being unreasonable...i wouldn't necessarily say it's a dealbreaker, but it's definitely something that needs further discussion before any "deals" are made.
good luck!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of girlfriends and their SOs disagreeing over pets. My BFF said she never, ever live with a dog. Her DH has a dog. He said he'd never live with a cat. Ever. My BFF has a cat. And what now? They're all a happy little cat and dog filled family. (Of course the dog wants to eat the cat but whatever. They've worked it out.)
So no, I don't think it's unreasonable to want a dog. I'd also be willing to bet that if your SO sees a cute, cuddly little puppy, he might change his mind. Who wouldn't? Especially if it's important to you and obviously you're important to him.
Maybe you could ask him to write down all his fears/concerns about having a dog? That way he really has to examine why he doesn't want one. Additionally, he might benefit from a list of reasons why you think a dog would be a good idea. That way, the disagreement is grounded in logic, as opposed to emotion. Then go over your lists together -- maybe is concern is that he'll have to walk/feed/clean up after the dog all the time. maybe he's afrid he'll feel jealous. Maybe he's afraid of dogs.
P.S. -- I'm totally "love me, love my cat", so I understand what you're thinking. If DH wouldn't have liked my crazy cat, he would have gotten the boot.
-- Edited by Starstuff at 12:52, 2006-03-28
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
I'm such a huge dog lover, I don't think I could be w/someone who told me they'd never have a dog - so I don't think you're being ridiculous at all. Pets are a part of our family and if you feel that strongly, I don't think the longing for one will ever go away.
Have you asked him why he's so against dogs? Does he just not like them? Is he afraid of them? Allergic to them? Maybe if you figure that out, you can reassure him. There has to be a compromise - at least I would hope so. Maybe if you got a small dog, who was low maintenance he'd come around?
I hope you can work things out w/him. Good luck and keep us posted!
if your investment in the relationship outweighs your want of the dog, there's your answer.
but it sounds like you really want the dog but are also very invested in the relationship. in which case, pose the above two questions to him. as in, how invested is he in the relationship and how bad does he not want the dog?
one of you will have to give, but i don't necessarily think the "giver" is doomed to be secretly unhappy. for example, lets say he caves and lets you have the dog. you guys can work out what kind of dog to get, who will take care of it, etc., etc. everything's negotiable you know?
also, maybe my friend's story may help you. she dealt with the exact same scenario but in her case she was the one who didn't want the dog but her BF did. she compromised and said "if we get one, you have to be the primary caretaker. this can't be a situation where I have to take care of your dog. so if you work late, you better get a doggie sitter because i'm not going to be responsible for walking it every night." he said fine. they still don't have a dog btw, but i think now he's fine with the fact that he can get one if he wants to.
oh and i don't think you're being unreasonable at all. imo, there's no such thing as an unreasonable dealbreaker. if it's important to you, then that's it. doesn't mean you can't make it work or negotiate your way around it though. anyway, hth and good luck!
I don't think you are being unreasonable & you've gotten some really good advice. I just wanted to add my 2 cents - I have never really been a pet person -- when I moved in with my DH he had a cat & then I got a cat...needless to say 2 years later we have 3 cats & 2 gerbils & I can't imagine being without a pet ever again. I'm not saying it will be that way with everyone, but a few years ago you would have NEVER convinced me that I'd be happy with this animal situation. That being said, he does the litter boxes & if I had to do all that I'd rethink the # we have for sure - so that may be an issue with him as well? Also, can you have an outdoor dog or is that even possible? I am not a huge dog fan & my ex had a dog that stayed outside in the fenced yard mostly but slept inside at night - I'm just saying that sometimes there are other ways to compromise on this issue.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Starstuff wrote: Maybe you could ask him to write down all his fears/concerns about having a dog?
That's my main question: why doesn't he want a dog? I think the reason for not wanting a dog would be the dealbreaker. Like if he simply doesn't want to take care of a dog (see esquiress's friend's story), it wouldn't be as big of an issue, compared to if he was allergic and could never have one.
But I don't think you should feel bad for seeing the dog issue as a dealbreaker.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Yes, a dog would be a deal breaker for me. I've had dogs my entire life, and I can't imagine changing it. That said, I probably wouldn't go on two dates w/ someone who doesn't like dogs, so I might be a little more extreme in my views than you.
Reading that email, I just wonder what kind of experience your guy has had with dogs. My dog doesn't smell, doesn't track mud, doesn't bark or whimper, doesn't chew my shoes, or do any of those horrible things he describes. Those are things that are easy to manage. And frankly, when you truly love your dog, you enjoy running home to take them for walks. I know a lot of dog owners and none of them are ever bitching about their dog interfering with their freedom.
I'm probably going to overstep my bounds here...The last part of his email *really* bothers me. Calling you selfish and saying that you are betraying him is completely rude, unnessesary, and, frankly, makes your bf sound like a complete jerk hole. Obviously I don't know you well, but you seem like an extremely kind and generous person. You are clearly putting a lot of thought into this and considering his point of view, that is not selfish at all. And, the comment about guys making fun of "fake dogs"...please! Are other guys opinions more important than you having something you've really wanted for a long time?
Hmmm... that last paragraph was really strange. It seems like a red herring, trying to get the focus off the dog issue and on to something different. I would not be happy if anyone wrote that to me, nevermind someone I care about.
I really don't mean to be rude, but he sounds like he has other issues to work on. The ideas of selfishness and compromise, obligation and responsiblity...
I'd keep a dog out of the picture until maybe these underlying issues are resolved.
I'm sorry -- this must be disappointing for you.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
Okay, seriously, you got that email over a dog??? A dog. He apparently doesn't have time for a dog, nor does he want the responsibility of having to clean up after one or have one ruin his stuff. Okay, that's fine, but what the hell is his response going to be if/when you want kids??? Yikes!
The dog issue to me isn't a huge concern--some people want them and love them, and some people don't. Okay, fine. But to me the issue is that he's turned this all back around on you and been insulting and arrogant in the process. I'm not digging his communication skills.
whoa. that email is a little intense for a dog issue.
that said, i agree with ncshopper- not everyone is a dog person. some people feel the same exact way about kids as he said he felt about dogs. i would get a pet if my SO wanted one, but NEVER on my own would i get one. I also don't feel like dealing with all the responsibility- we have a crazy cat here and it DRIVES ME CRAZY- has broken a few of my favorite dishes and claws me all the time. Some pets aren't as well behaved as others- maybe he is scared he'll get a disobedient one that'll eat his shoes. It sounds like he'd have a dog, but doesn't want to take care of it- because he doesn't really want it. I think he'll end up loving it (though i've dated guys that can't stand small dogs- maybe you could compromise on type of dog), but he just doesn't want to take care of it. I would have a heart to heart with him- i think there are underlying issues here that are more important. also, he seems to hold some bitterness towards pets because of his ex, and their issues with bunnies and cats. (I can't believe I just typed that last part out.)
Um, I have 2 really cute dogs who beg, steal food from my son's highchair, track in dirt and sand, chew things, and who love to dig out from under the fence and have neighborhood adventures. (ARghh!) So, I happen to think owning dogs is overrated, but if anyone asked me to give up cats (cats really are so much easier) I could relate. If he were a really really perfect guy, then I would consider it.
BUT it's this email from the guy that indicates to me that he isn't even worth giving up something trivial, he's sounds really insensitive and stubborn, hopefully he's just having a bad day?
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Sheesh. I didn't post before because, well, I can kind of see not wanting to have to take care of a dog. But that email is really, really, really out of line in a completely not-good way. Good luck girl! You are definitely NOT being unreasonable!