I know there is some unwritten rule that you should post items & have them end on Sunday - I've had success both ways so I'm torn - I'm about to list a bunch of stuff & i'd rather not wait until tomorrow to list (5 day would end on sunday) - do you buy stuff that ends during the day on a weekday? Do you / can you bid from work? I'm just trying to get an idea & I figure this is a good representation of buyers in general!
And I know you can pay extra & end it when you want but I'm not willing to spend the extra fees - ebay takes a big enough chunk. And I have a mac so I also can't use turbo lister - discrimination!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I don't do a lot of ebaying but I know lots of people go places on saturdays and fridays but not a lot of going on sundays (due to family time, church, work/school on mondays) so I think sunday- thurs are good times to end auctions.
yeah have them end during the week and during the day and don't forget to post the link! hahahaha. just kidding. but that is when i get my best deals. do don't do it then.
i think anything outside of friday and saturday is fine. i always have mine end from 9-10pm central time because then it's 10-11ish on the east coast (not too late) and 7pmish on the west coast.
i usually list on sundays and have had good luck, except for the time i listed on memorial day weekend. duh. that's the one sunday that everyone is out!
oh, and my rational is that women/men are playing on their laptops while them or their SO is watching desperate housewives, grey's anatomy, etc...
-- Edited by shopgirl82 at 16:19, 2006-03-27
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
i usually have them end on a sunday or wednesday evening. I pay the extra fee to do that- i think its only $.10. I know its annoying, but most likely, you'd make that extra $.10 back by more bidding or actually selling your item and not having to relist.
If I find something that I like I find a way to bid on it no matter what day it is ending.
me too, unless it's middle of the night or something.
And it depends on the buyer. For me Sunday evenings or any part of the weekend aren't too good, I am too busy with family and might forget or I might be stuck putting baby to bed. Weekday afternoons are easiest for me to make the time to bid....that was true when I was working too. If it's a high demand item I have been seeking out for a while, like an item that historically gets 20 bids or more, I make sure to be available.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Huh - I never thought about it. It doesn't matter to me at all. My schedule (I work from home) is ptetty flexible, so I will just add something to my watch list and pay attention to the time / day it ends, as in 'Oh - that's ending on Thursday afternoon'. Sunday or not, makes no difference to me. FWIW
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I thought when you listed items, you could designate a start time. It doesn't cost extra. I think the default is to start teh listing immediately, but I've listed items and set it up to start the next day. You can list them all today, and set up the same start time that will end up being a sunday end auction.