Ok, so my friends and I went out last night for a weekly get-together. We always go to the same club on Wed. bec. it's a large place with a pretty diverse crowd and they play music we like to dance to (i.e., R&B, hip-hop, top 40). Seriously, some times this is the only cardio I get weekly. The dance floor is really crowded (20, 30 and a few apear to be 40-somethings). My friend requests "Supasonic" by JJFad. It comes on and *poof* half of the dance floor walks off except for a handful (including us). I saw a few younger people even wrinkle their noses like "what the hell is that?" My friend (who is 38, looks 25. hate her) and I just died laughing and said to a few people "we're old and we're proud". We knew every word to that song. I love it more now, I think.
Anyway, we just thought it was funny. Has anyone else experienced this? I just turned 30 and find myself saying things like "those damn kids better turn that music down" when I was bumpin (see how uncool I am. i still say bumpin!) just like everyone else not that long ago. My, how times have changed.
-- Edited by Misty at 18:19, 2006-03-23
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
welcome to my life. But I was never really rebellious. My job requirements include being the rule/behavior police, so it's a hard habit to break. The other day I was at the mall and saw two teenage girls with cell phones...I literally almost yelled at them to put them away (cell phones are NOT allowed to be visible at our school). I would have been so embarrassed.
ETA: the other thing I do is constantly reference mid-90s pop culture in my lectures, and then I totally forget that they have no idea what I am talking about. The other day I said something about a TV show (I think maybe Blossom? Or something from that era) and they all gave me a blank stare. That's when I remembered, "Oh yeah...you guys were 2 then..."
I still like our generation, though. If a technological holocaust wipes out cell phones, email, ipods, etc., we'll be the last generation that knows how to survive.
-- Edited by halleybird at 20:35, 2006-03-23
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Ok, so my friends and I went out last night for a weekly get-together. We always go to the same club on Wed. bec. it's a large place with a pretty diverse crowd and they play music we like to dance to (i.e., R&B, hip-hop, top 40). Seriously, some times this is the only cardio I get weekly. The dance floor is really crowded (20, 30 and a few apear to be 40-somethings). My friend requests "Supasonic" by JJFad. It comes on and *poof* half of the dance floor walks off except for a handful (including us). I saw a few younger people even wrinkle their noses like "what the hell is that?" My friend (who is 38, looks 25. hate her) and I just died laughing and said to a few people "we're old and we're proud". We knew every word to that song. I love it more now, I think. Anyway, we just thought it was funny. Has anyone else experienced this? I just turned 30 and find myself saying things like "those damn kids better turn that music down" when I was bumpin (see how uncool I am. i still say bumpin!) just like everyone else not that long ago. My, how times have changed. -- Edited by Misty at 18:19, 2006-03-23
I used to love that song! I know how you feel-I am starting to feel old too. I make my 11 year-old listen to some of my old favorites-he calls it all "skating rink" music. The skating rink still plays a lot of the stuff-it is in a total time warp!
Halleybird, I get the blank stare too. I was talking about beagles the other day w/ some 3rd graders and said, "You know, like Snoopy." They so didn't know. But they teach me about horror movies and video games. . .
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
So I went to a music website to hear the song your talking about. It may be old school, but leaving the dance floor, come on! I'm sure they wanted to dance to it, but were afraid of their friends making fun of them. They could of had fun with it, but missed out!
If a technological holocaust wipes out cell phones, email, ipods, etc., we'll be the last generation that knows how to survive
How true....and how often I say something much like this. I also feel as though we are the last generation of women to truly understand what the Women's Lib Movement was about and how it affected our lives. I refer to 'youngsters' as 'The Entitlement Generation'.
ha! I actually experienced the opposite recently. We were sick of hearing all the new crap so requested some 80s hits. We literally had to BEG the DJ to play them because hethought everyone would leave but he finally agreed (and played the most random songs ever and not what we asked for at ALL), and instead of leaving everyone was dancing- even the people who hadn't been before! So we just kind of looked at him like "so there."
haha I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. and to those of you who think we are the only generation that would know how to survive in the event of a "technical fallout", I am in total agreement. LL - I like "entitlement generation", but have also heard "instant gratificaion GenXers". both mean the same thing pretty much.
Cortney1982 - I'm laughing that you went and researched the song. good for you! It is a great song, has good beats I think. I like dance, tranz and all that stuff too (I still know how to breakdance), but Supasonic reminds me of my youth. My BF is your age (I assume 1982 is your year of birth) helps to keep me youthful and quasi-cool bec. he will correct me and/or poke fun if I saw something that no one says anymore. LOL
ILC - i know what you mean exactly. and good for you for demanding some "oldies" be played. the DJ balked at my friend when she requested the song. he said "i guess i have it around here somewhere, but i don't play it much bec. no one asks". well we're asking a-hole. he's one of those DJs who thinks he's an artist and tries to mix songs that really don't need to be remixed -- the result is oftentimes unsettling in that the songs some times sound like one of those old records played backwards and sounds like satanic messages. i just realized that maybe that's what he's striving for!
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Well, I am also 30 and I might not have wanted to dance to that song, but I totally know it. Actually, I kind of avoid the dance floor anymore unless persuaded by someone, even though at 21, you couldn't pull me off the floor!
I know what you mean about times have changed, it's hard to let go of it too. I know I am considered "old" by some because I do not relate at all to most of the things that youth culture enjoys today. Oh well! They missed out on some great stuff being born after Reagan's first inaugeration. I think Gen X is the best generation ever.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I understand...lately I have been feeling old...in our condo we have new neighbors in their early 20's and they listen to their music so loud...also whne I was out I was talking to someone who had no idea about the challenger Shuttle crash...they were not even alive...I am getting old...