so this is kind of last minute (i'm such a procrastinator) but i need to get some cupcakes this afternoon to take to my volunteer project. magnolia's is a last resort, but i'm looking to try something a little different.
any recommendations? i would like a dozen and would prefer to keep the total under $40. has anyone gotten cupcakes from ruthy's baked goods? there was a place my friend told me about in the chelsea market that is supposed to be really good, but i can't remember the name. is it ruthy's?
cupcake cafe is a "wow" cupcake but a lot of people don't think they taste that good. hit up city bakery across the street for KILLER cookies and you gotta try melted chocolate!! other cupcakes that are good billy's bakery on 21st and 9th. also don't know where you're going to be but other good ones are amy's bread (various locations), sweet melissa's (although REALLY EXPENSIVE!), and buttercup bakeshop (but these are dry magnolia ones basically).
just saw the part about chelsea market.. amy's bread is there. their chocolate cupcakes are SO GOOD. there is a brownie place and then like a wedding cake place that i think has cupcakes but they are not that good. there is also a cookie place that has iced cookies, but they are expensive and probably don't taste that good.
if you are going there also check out the littlest pie company. they are good too!
OMG i must sound like the biggest sweets pig ever.