Does anyone have their nose pierced?? Wondering if it was a good thing or not..... I am thinking of having my nostril done. Anyone have any knowlege in this area???
My sister had hers pierced and it was kind of gross. There was a red bump around the nose ring that never went away (until she took it out--probably just a metal allergy or something, but she said it hurt). But she did take it out and you can't tell now.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I don't have a nose piercing. My best friend does and he has never had any problems with it. He just says that you have to clean it occasionally to prevent infection.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I had mine done and had to take it out for a job and I'm considering getting it put back in. My boss said he wouldn't care. I LOVED it and I really miss having it. After taking it out, there really wasn't any scarring. The jewelry is so small that it just looks like a pore. I'd suggest a place for you to get it done but I'm not sure where you're from.
You're not going to do the middle part, are you? I heard that really really hurts, plus it kinda reminds me of bulls, since they have 'em...
I did have my nose pierced for many years. It was during my rebellious phase. The good thing is that mine was never infected like ejc's sister -and I have seen lots of people with that red ring around the piercing on the nose, so it's probably a risk. I have a scar that looks like a really large pore, and even though I constantly examine my face I never notice it.
Plus, if you get sick of a piercing you can always take it out.
You're not going to do the middle part, are you? I heard that really really hurts, plus it kinda reminds me of bulls, since they have 'em...
my bf actually has both the septum (the middle part) and the side nostril done. and ya know what? when he wears his septum ring he does look like a bull. course, i would never dare tell him that. it looks good on him...but still very bullish, especially because its such a large gauge. i don't really him ever saying it hurt, but he's very macho and doesn't admit (or possibly feel) any pain. he's really anal about cleaning both of the piercings though. every couple of weeks or so he will soak the jewelry in some sort of rubbing alcohol or hyrdogen peroxide bath. he also cleans the actual piercing really carefully as well. he's had both of them done for years and years and years now and hasn't ever had a problem with either.
the only thing i can tell you is to investigate your piercer very very carefully. i don't know if you would feel comfortable about doing this, but if you see someone out on the streets with piercings, you might want to ask where they get thiers done. its sorta like if you see a girl with hair you like, you ask them where they get it done. most piercers should also have a book of thier work you can go through, that's always helpful too so that you can tell how many nose piercings they've done in the past.
i hope that helps...think about it for a while, if this is your first non-ear body piercing it's a big step.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I love those little nostril ones! But I'd also take your career into consideration. Many workplaces (including mine) don't allow them, so the people who have them have to walk around with empty holes all day.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde