Saks charged me in Jan and I never received the item. I of course paid my Amex bill because I didn't know they WOULDN'T send my item. Well everytime I contact Saks, I get told different stories. They've said that yes, I was charged and the item just hasn't been sent. I respond with just credit my account it's been too long. Anyways, after not seeing a credit on my account, I call back and they look further into the situation. Now they say I was never charged. This is completely false, my statement with the charge is proof. So I've called again and now they see the charge and they will refund me. The next day I receive an email saying that I was never charged. I do not understand why there are so many different stories! I just want my card credited.
As you read I am highly frustrated with Saks, and so now I want to deal with my cc company. How do I go about disputing the charge, so I can get reimbursed?
It's been about 2 months, is that a problem?
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
My mom had something sort of similar happend to her a few weeks ago. She ordered a product and was charged for it. She then foudn out the product was out of stock and the company was not sure when it would be back in stock. She tried to get her money back from the company, but they gave her a million different stories. She ended up going online and disputing the charge and w/ in 48 hours her account was credited.
I would go online or call your cc company. My mom has had a few other issues and the cc company has always credited her account. She does have super duper freakin amazing credit, so I know they probably want to keep her as a customer, but it has always worked out for her.
I don’t want no part of your tight-ass country-club, you freak bitch!
Don't even deal with Saks anymore. Have AmEx deal with it. If you log on to your account online there is a link to dispute a charge. You can explain the situation. I had to do this once and they immediately credited me since I had never disputed a charge before. They took care of the whole thing. AmEx is great!!!
Yep let Amex deal with it. I had a similar thing happen and had discover deal with it for me. Within 2 days it was cleared up but if I would have left it up to the website I was dealing with I would still be waiting for a refund.
definitely call your cc company. they will probably credit your account right away and then go investigate the issue. i had a similar situation, but even stickier (it was with a charity that kept repeatedly charging my card like, weekly...god, i'm a terrible person for disputing charges to a charity, ANyway) and got so many different stories from the people charging me and never a resolution. called my cc company and got the money back right away.
the time probably isn't an issue. it takes a while to figure out that you're never getting the item, right? good luck!