Talk to Me Sing, hum, babble or even read the funnies to me! I do not know exactly what you are saying, but I do need to hear you. And I do know what you mean, even if I may not know the words. Like your voice tones mean,"I love you." Or when you yell, I hear, "You are a pest!" Unless you communicate with me, how can I learn? I learn from you.
Hold Me Everything is so big and new to me. I do not understand where I am. Or who I am. And I get scared. But when you hold me, I feel better. Your warmth warms me. Your breath and heartbeat make me feel I belong. Belong here. Belong to you.
Answer My Cry I do not cry to get you upset. Or to get you mad. I cry because I cannot tell you how I feel any other way. Maybe I am cold...or wet...or hungry...or scared and lonely. Answer my cries. You'll soon know what each one means. YOU WON'T SPOIL ME. You will help me to be a better baby...and to make you happier, too.
Love Me Like me. Love me just as I am. Do not expect me to do what I cannot do. Like being toilet-trained. My muscles are not ready yet. I know I am messy. But I am growing. Overlook my baby weaknesses. You are the most important person in my world. I cannot make it without you. So get to know me. Have fun with me. And love me...just as I am. they need a toddler one that includes : clean up my toilet training failures, handle my pent-up aggression, calm my night terrors, rearrange the refrigerator according to foods I like...etc...