My husband just registered on myspace. I was a little annoyed, but maybe I just don't know much about it, but my opinion from what I know so far is that people use it to look up ex's and meet new people, and share their personal info and I don't know why he needs to be doing that. It's not that I think he will be doing these things, but that others will you know? I don't need his ex's popping up out of nowhere to "be friends now that we are adults" No thanks. Anyway, like the stalkers that we all are I want to see his myspace thingy, do I have to sign up to do that? Am I being silly about all this??
On a side note I told him of my displeasure with it and he said that all he wants to put on there is how much he loves his wife and how much he wants to have babies.
I wouldn't worry about it. I live w/my BF and I have a MySpace page. I think a lot of girls in relationships on this board are on MySpace. I don't use it to talk to any exes or meet new guys. I use it as a way to keep in touch w/my exisiting friends, and get info on bands I like. I am sure he's doing the same thing. My BF doesn't see a problem w/it. I put in my profile that I'm in a relationship and I'm not interested in meeting new guys. It's just a fun networking tool, if you ask me.
I'm not sure if you have to sign up to view his page - probably not. I think you'd only have to sign up if you wanted to send someone a message or post a comment.
I wouldn't worry. Some peopel use it forthat stuff, but I use it to connect with friends. I've actually reconnected with a lot of good friends that I've lost tough with over the years through it.
Don't worry, Myspace is pretty innocent. I have a page and so does my husband. Myspace isn't really one of those dating/hook-up sites. My Myspace friends consist of IRL friends and family members and ST girls. Yeah, he may possibly get messages from old friends and ex gf's but I don't think you have anything to worry about.
i wouldn't worry about it either. I don't see it as being a huge big deal. I have a myspace page and have used it mainly to connect w/ STers and reconnect with people I've lost touch with from high school. I have one ex that added me as a friend, but I haven't talked to him.
Why don't you make a myspace page? Then you can see what it's all about AND we can all add you!
I have one too & to be honest i think my only friends are the girls on here. I have some pretty people on mine, let me tell you! I wouldn't know how to look up exes if I wanted to! I'm pretty slow about stuff like this though.....
And I really wouldn't care if my DH had a page as long as he didn't object to me spying on it whenever I wanted.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad