i live with roommates- i adore them as people (we're all good friends), but lately little things have been annoying me. (i think the root of the problem is that i'm ready to live alone for a while, but that's a whole other issue!)
okay, i have a netflix subscription. i've had it for at least 6 months. whenever i get a movie that i think my roommates might be interested in, i ask them if they'd like to watch it with me. but over the past few months, i feel like they've started taking advantage of it. it started off with them asking me all the time, "what netflix movie did you just get??" as soon as the movies arrived- like, before i had even opened them. mildly annoying. then they started saying things like, "ooh, i really want to see x movie- you should put that on your netflix list!" a little more annoying. it's my list, you know?? then today i came home and i had a new netflix dvd waiting for me- and one of my roommies had already opened it before i got home! now that realllly annoys me...
am i overreacting? i'm a little pissed off because i pay for the netflix service every month and they've never kicked in any $ for all of the movies they've watched on my dime. and i think it's really out of line to open somebody's mail!
be honest- am i silly to be annoyed about this? should i say something? how should i bring it up? i feel like no matter what i say it will sound so petty, you know?
But I wouldnt be mean or bitchy. I might mention to them that you are thinking of cancelling your subscription to save a little cash. But you would consider keeping it active if they wouldn't mind chipping in a few bucks, since they watch all the movies too.
Be casual about it and see where it goes from there.
I'd be a little annoyed too. Just casually say something next time about how cheap Netflix is, and maybe they could get their own account. If you say it nicely, they'll get the hint and it won't turn into a major issue. Stuff like that bugs me too, though, so I know where you're coming from!
I don't know if I'd mention the netflix thing at all. I know it bugs you but that would be a hard thing to bring up without sounding bitchy. But the thing you could mention, and rightfully so, would be someone opening your mail, no matter what the mail is. That's uncool and everyone should agree with you on that. Good luck!
JoceyBaby23 wrote: I would be prob say something.. But I wouldnt be mean or bitchy. I might mention to them that you are thinking of cancelling your subscription to save a little cash. But you would consider keeping it active if they wouldn't mind chipping in a few bucks, since they watch all the movies too. Be casual about it and see where it goes from there. Good luck!
I agree. Casually find a way to ask them to chip in.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Opening somebody elses mail is totally crossing the line! They have no right to it, even if it's just a movie. I would be soooo pissed! I would suggest to them if they are going to be opening your Netflix mail, they should be chipping in for the cost or you will be cancelling the service.
ok i'm all for saying something, except... its so easy to make this come across as bitchy and/or petty. I know everyone says its opening your mail, which is really wrong, but if they *think* you're their friend, they know its a movie and weren't trying to invade your privacy or anything. If one of my roommates opened my netflix, i'm good enough friends with them to say something like, "Real NICE guys- thanks for waiting for me!!" or "Next time wait for me!!" and it wouldn't be weird. Having a "you know, I really don't like it when you open my mail" conversation would make EVERYONE feel weird. Its like taking off the plastic from a friend's magazine and reading it- I have one roomate that would be bitter about it, and one that couldn't care less. Yea, someone paid for it and someone else gets to open it and see it first, but if I said, "I had a really bad day and all I wanted to do was read a magazine"- I would HOPE that the roommate that would care would be able to be like, ok- whatever and not accuse me of opening her mail and making me secretly walk on eggshells around her. There is some give and take in roommate relationships- we're always sort of bothering someone somehow, but it should all even out in the end. If you feel like they are taking advantage of you, suddenly develop an extreme desire to rent only film noir, or the entire series of gilmore girls- one by one, or only Adam sandler movies. Or just tell them you have too many movies you want to see now to put their movies on the list- and suggest chipping in a third if they want to choose one of your 3 movies each time.
I think lynnie had some good advice. Some things aren't as big a deal to some people as they are to others. Opening your mail is something I would say something about. The other half and I don't open anything with the other ones name on it unless we ask them first....not even bills. I'm one of those people who doesn't want someone else taking the plastic off my magazine. I pay for my subscription and wait patiently for it to arrive. I want to be the first one to flip through it. It doesn't have to be petty or anything. Just say with a smile "hey I know you guys didn't mean any harm but I would appreciate it if you didn't open my mail" I also agree next time they start telling you what to put on your list just suggest you guys split the bill "since we are all watching these movies anyway". If I had a rmmt that said that to me I'd pitch in no big deal. Honestly they probably don't even realize they are bothering you. You did say you were the one offering for them to watch the movies with you. Just wait for the right opportunity and it doesn't have to be anything to upset anyone.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."