I am doing an externship for school and I am only here two 1/2 days a week. I share a large office with a crazy cat lady. Her desk is covered with plush toy cats and posters of cats! She is nuts! She wears the same mexican poncho everyday! She is constantly showing me pics of her *children*...ALL CATS!
She is like the "milton" of this building! She told me how she used to have an office and then she got put in this big file room (where we are now). Well, everyone told me to just ignore her and that she is kind of odd.
Well, she keeps the temperature in here at 58 degrees! My fingers get so cold, I cannot physically type! I try to sneek it up a degree or two when she leaves the room, but I can't go too high or the fan will kick off and she'll be on to me!
I've been warned about her and her control issues over the temperature...so I don't want to get caught messing with it!
Thank God this will be over in two more weeks! Since it is Spring Break, I am coming in 2 whole days...I don't know if I can take 8 hours of this...I am gonna get sick...
Thanks for letting me rant. I keep going out in the hall to the bathroom to thaw out and run warm water over my fingers!
Isn't there a boss or someone higher up you can talk to about this? seriously these are not fit working conditions. Start wearing gloves and a parka and see if she gets the hint.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Collette wrote: Start wearing gloves and a parka and see if she gets the hint.
She would LOVE it if I did that. Everyone warned me about her...they said that everytime a new extern starts, she cranks the air down. Then she'll ask you..."I hope you like it cold...I keep it cold." It is just a control issue with her. I just look at her and say..."My old office was way colder than this...it is nice!" You can tell it is just killing her that it isn't bothering me. Meanwhile, she is the one that always puts on her poncho (that has probably been in this office for 10 years without going home for a washing!). I know she is freezing too!
I don't know why I am being so stubborn about this...cause I know that if I told someone, they would make her turn it down. But, then she'd probably put a dead cat in my desk! I am seriously scared of her...she is unstable.
I would not be able to take that. Seriously. Can you just bring in a space heater, put it next to your desk, and smile and say something noncommittal if she tries to take it away or complain? Of course, she sound so weird you might have to take it to the bathroom with you just to be on the safe side... Ok, now I'm laughing at this and I'm sorry. It would really have me upset. I hate being cold more than anything! Good luck - at least you don't have to work with her for long!
Do you watch The Office? They just had an episode where people were fighting over the thermostat, and secretly going to change the temperature and glaring at each other.
This is funny, yet I am sure I would be so annoyed too. This woman sounds like a grade A freak! Maybe you should just quietly hang up a picture of a dog biting a cat or something weird like that, something that would upset a cat lover. Or can you hide her poncho?
At work we constantly argue over the temp. The girl who has the thermostat in her office is always cold. She keeps the heat at 82 degrees all the time. In the middle of winter we all walk around work with short sleeves or sleeveless. I am sorry you are always cold. I will now appreciate being hot at work, I can't stand to be cold!